
Unemployment insurance: what is it, what is the amount and how to request it?

Unemployment Insurance has a series of rules to define how many installments and how much a beneficiary will receive. In this text we provide all the main information on the subject, check it out!


See how this benefit can help you in case of unforeseen circumstances

Homem arruma itens para deixar emprego
Find out how to get a benefit in this time of uncertainty. Source: Freepik.

Do you know Unemployment Insurance? Do you know how this benefit works, its value, or who is entitled to receive it?

In this text we help you get answers to these and other questions on the topic! We created a complete guide on the subject to answer your questions.

Dismissal without just cause

Find out more about the type of dismissal that allows you to claim unemployment insurance.

It is very important to know all the details about this benefit. Therefore, the worker knows whether or not he can take advantage of this right and discovers how to make the request.

So, keep reading and find out! We can help you earn an income in this time of need.

What is Unemployment Insurance?

Moedas e carteira
Find out all the benefit details. Source: Freepik.

Unemployment Insurance is a benefit that focuses on guaranteeing income for those without any job. This is provided to workers who have been dismissed without cause and have not yet filled a new position.

However, it should be noted that this insurance is temporary and its term is related to an employee's working time. Therefore, it is important to know how the benefit works.

Dismissal for just cause

Do you know what rights a worker fired for just cause loses? Check it out here.

How does Unemployment Insurance work?

Unemployment Insurance has different deadlines depending on the time an employee spent employed. Firstly, we need to point out that to receive it you must work for more than 6 months with a registered card.

A worker who worked for a period of 6 months to 1 year will receive 3 installments of the benefit. On the other hand, people who have been in CLT for 1 year to 24 months receive 4 installments, and those who have worked for more than 2 years receive 5 deposits.

Finally, the maximum amount of Unemployment Insurance is R$ 2,230.97 and it can take 31 to 60 days for the benefit to be released. 

How important is this benefit in the professional outplacement process?

Unemployment insurance is a way of guaranteeing income for a professional while they do not return to the job market.

Therefore, there is a guarantee that a worker and his dependents will have dignity and will not be in need.

Therefore, this benefit is crucial to guarantee the payment of someone's expenses before the professional relocation is complete.

Who is entitled to unemployment insurance?

Firstly, to be entitled to Unemployment Insurance you must have worked with a formal contract and have been fired without just cause. At the same time, it is necessary to have at least 6 months of registration.

Workers who were fired for taking a professional qualification course offered by the employer and were fired also have access to this benefit.

Finally, whoever requests this benefit cannot receive any continued service benefit, except accident benefit, supplementary assistance and the service retention allowance.

What is the number of installments and the value of this benefit?

The number of Unemployment Insurance installments and their value varies according to the conditions under which the worker worked. 

Therefore, check out a list to find out how many installments each worker can receive:

  • Anyone who worked between 6 months and 1 year receives 3 installments;
  • Anyone who worked between 1 year and 24 months receives 4 installments;
  • Finally, anyone who has worked more than 2 years receives 5 installments.

With regard to values, these vary according to the salary the employee received and involve complex calculations! We will explain these equations in the following list, check it out:

  • Anyone earning up to R$ 1,968.36 will receive the value of their salary multiplied by 0.8;
  • Anyone earning between R$ 1,968.37 and R$ 3,280.93 will receive the salary minus 1,968.37 multiplied by 0.5 and with a sum of R$ 1,574.69;
  • Finally, anyone earning more than R$ 3,280.93 will receive the cap of R$ 2,230.97.

How do I apply for Unemployment Insurance?

A worker can request unemployment insurance through the “Digital Work Card” app. Therefore, access your cell phone's app store and download this to start the process.

Then, register using your personal details and create your own password. Finally, select the option “Request unemployment insurance”.

The app will redirect you to a website with all the necessary information and inform you of the data that will be needed.

When everything is complete, click “Finish” to confirm your benefit request.

How can this benefit be used?

Casal planeja como usar o Seguro-desemprego
Our tips can help you plan. Source: Freepik.

Unemployment Insurance should ideally be used to support a worker and their dependents until a new source of income is found. Therefore, money can be used to pay bills and buy food.

The transition period to another job after unfair dismissal can be very uncertain. Therefore, we recommend that expenses occur with planning and that unnecessary expenses are avoided at this time.

Finally, if you want to know how to access your FGTS and get more money after being laid off, read our text on the topic! We have created a complete guide that can help you understand the ways to make a withdrawal.

How to withdraw FGTS

Check out other ways to access income after unfair dismissal.

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