
Loggi delivery driver: understand how this job works

A Loggi delivery person can work at available times of the day delivering packages in your city. Find out here what it takes to start in this profession and make extra income.


Work option that can help you earn extra income

Homem segura caixas de entregas
Earn money by delivering packages. Source: Freepik.

You certainly know several delivery apps, such as Rappi or even iFood. However, have you ever thought about becoming a Loggi delivery person?

In this text we will explain how this profession works and what you need to start working in this way. 

Loggi delivery driver: how to register

Check here how to register on the platform and earn a good extra income.

Are you interested and want to know more about the subject before registering?

So, keep reading to find out if our recommendation is really the best option for you.

What do you need to be a Loggi delivery person?

Homem segura caixa de entregas
Open an MEI with one of the activities listed below. Source: Freepik.

There is a list of requirements for someone to become a Loggi delivery person. Firstly, the person must be over 21 years old and, of course, have a definitive National Driving License.

At the same time, the app also asks for your own vehicle. This can be a car, van or motorcycle. So far, bicycles or other forms of transport are not accepted.

Finally, the delivery person must have a MEI and be registered with one of these activity codes:

  • 4930-2/01 Road freight transport, except dangerous products and changes, municipal;
  • 4930-2/02 Road freight transport, except dangerous products and changes, intercity, interstate and international;
  • 5229-0/99 Other activities auxiliary to land transport not previously specified;
  • 5320-2/01 Mail services not carried out by national mail;
  • 5320-2/02 Fast delivery services.

How does the Loggi delivery guy's routine work?

The Loggi delivery man receives delivery orders on his app. You can check the options close to your home and accept orders.

Then, the delivery person must drive to the pickup location, pick up the item to be delivered and take it to the final destination.

What are the advantages?

The main advantage of this app is the support available for the Loggi delivery person, who can assist the professional and answer questions at any time.

At the same time, we can also mention other facilities available, such as the tool that allows you to check your earnings and the freedom to choose your working hours.

How do I register to make deliveries through Loggi?

Homem segura caixa de entregas
Check out the process Source: Freepik.

Are you interested and would like to become a Loggi delivery person? Therefore, just access the official website or the delivery app and register.

For more information, read our full text below on the subject to find out how to complete the process from start to finish without any errors!

We have created a guide that can help you get started quickly in this job and make a profit.

Loggi delivery driver: how to register

Check here how to register on the platform and earn a good extra income.

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