
What is the difference between CLT and statutory? 

The CLT and statutory contracting regimes have differences that can make an option more attractive for certain people. Read our text to learn about all their characteristics.


Find out more about the two ways to enter a public position

Contratante e candidato apertam as mãos
Both regimes have positive and negative points. Source: Freepik.

Do you know the difference between CLT and statutory? These are two types of regimes that may be present when hiring public employees through competitions.

Each one offers its own positive points and peculiarities. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics and confirm the way in which the hiring will be done when registering for a competition.

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What is a public tender?

Understand what this selection process is and how it works.

Are you looking for information on this topic and want to know which way is most advantageous for your career? So, read our text on the topic and get all the most important information!

Our guide can answer the main questions on the subject and help you understand in a practical way what it means to work as a CLT or statutory. 

What is the CLT regime?

Mulher trabalha em órgão público
Discover this mode that is used by the private sector and some public companies. Source: Freepik.

First of all, to define the difference between CLT and statutory, let's start by describing what the characteristics of a CLT worker are. Therefore, if you want to know more about the regime, continue reading.

A CLT worker is hired in accordance with current labor laws. This regime is very common in the private sector and you certainly know someone who works this way.

Under the CLT regime, the worker has guaranteed retirement, thirteenth salary, paid vacation, minimum wage and access to FGTS. Therefore, it is possible to have a series of benefits.

The public tenders that hire under the CLT regime are those carried out by mixed administration companies. For example, banks and state-owned companies, such as Petrobras or Correios. 

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Find out which public tender vacancies require higher education courses.

What is a statutory regime?

On the other hand, the statutory regime is the one that people usually think of when talking about civil servants. Do you know what its advantages and characteristics are?

The main difference between CLT and statutory is the fact that the statutory regime guarantees stability to the employee after a three-year internship. Therefore, a public servant who remains in office for this period can only be dismissed if he commits crimes or for just cause.

At the same time, this type of hiring regime also guarantees other benefits, such as higher remuneration and premium leave, a bonus for employees who are not absent from their shifts.

Finally, it is still possible to mention more differences, such as retirement with full salary and salary adjustments that are available to employees who work under this regime.

Now that you know each of the regimes, are you thinking about which of these would be the best choice for your career? Continue reading and we can help you make this decision with some tips and recommendations.

What is the difference between CLT and statutory?

Do you want to know what the difference is between these two hiring methods? Read this article topic and discover in a comparative way where the points where the regimes differ.

Firstly, we mention the most visible point: stability. Therefore, people under the CLT regime are more likely to be fired in times of crisis and cuts in the company than those under the statutory regime.

On the other hand, CLT workers find advantages such as flexibility and the possibility of negotiation. A worker who works in this mode can ask for a salary increase and negotiate a change of position, which is not possible for statutory employees.

Another difference between CLT and statutory is life after retirement. Those who worked as CLT must receive a lower salary, while other public servants earn the same amount they received during their working years.

How to choose the best work regime?

Mulher pesquisa as diferenças entre CLT e estatutário
Check out our tips to make the best choice. Source: Unsplash.

After knowing the differences between CLT and statutory, it is possible to choose which is the best work regime. However, we argue that this decision should take personal goals and preferences into account.

Therefore, if you plan to have a career with promotions, job changes and more flexibility, the best choice may be CLT. After all, this method of hiring allows you to develop a career plan with more mobility.

On the other hand, if you are looking for stability and a calmer life, being a statutory employee is the perfect solution. The regime ensures that you can perform your duties without worrying about problems such as market instability, however, it is more rigid and there is less room for creativity.

Finally, also analyze the positions that are available in each of the regimes. As stated earlier in this text, there are few public companies that contract under the CLT regime and, if you choose this method, it is more advantageous to seek the private sector.

If you are interested in the statutory regime, read our text below that helps you prepare for public exams and find out how to do well in these tests! We can help you get approved and get the job you've been dreaming of.

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Check out our tips to prepare for this test.

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