
Curriculum for internship: how to prepare?

A good internship resume must prioritize professional objectives and academic training. Find out how to write this document by reading our text on the subject.


Learn how to formulate this document even without experience

Estagiário mostra arquivo em tablet para seus chefes
Check out our tips for making a good CV. Source: Freepik.

The internship resume is often the first document of its kind that a candidate prepares. Therefore, it is possible that many doubts and uncertainties arise at this time. 

At this point, knowing how to highlight your positive points makes it possible to attract the recruiter's attention even without having previous experience!

Duas mulheres conversando em entrevista de emprego

Resume for first job

Learn how to impress recruiters even without experience in the field.

That's why we created a guide that can provide you with tips on how to prepare a good CV for an internship position.

If you want to know more about the subject, keep reading and don't miss any information! We can help you achieve your goal more easily and assertively.

What is an internship?

An internship is a mode of work that generally employs students. The objective of this is to create an environment in which the student can learn while carrying out work related to their area.

Therefore, interns are usually accompanied by people who are more experienced in the field. These guide the new worker and help him understand how to do tasks.

Curriculum for young apprentice

Find out how to create a CV if you are looking for jobs as a young apprentice.

Why is it important to do an internship?

Firstly, some colleges require a mandatory internship for their students to complete the course. In this case, it is important to have your internship CV in good condition to get a good position.

At the same time, this experience is also a great way for professionals to know if they are really in an area that interests them. Contact with the day-to-day life of the profession can help you know if you have chosen the right area to work.

Finally, the internship is important for the professional’s adaptation and learning. This is like a transition from the academic environment to the work environment and helps the individual to get used to the routine and learn more about the profession.

How to prepare a CV for an internship?

Mulher entrega currículo para estágio
Our tips will help you with this task, check them out. Source: Freepik.

It is common for an internship CV to place more emphasis on academic training than professional experience. Recruiters understand that when looking for candidates for vacancies of this type they are dealing with people at the beginning of their career.

To help you understand more about this topic, we have created a list of tips that can help you prepare your CV. So, continue reading and check out the main information on the subject.

Resume Template

First, look for an internship resume template. You can find several websites on the internet that offer free templates that you can fill in with your personal data.

It's important to have a design that catches the recruiter's attention. However, be careful not to overdo it, after all, the focus should be on the information.

These should not be undermined by the aesthetics of the CV. Therefore, look for easy-to-read fonts, such as Arial or Times New Roman size 11.

personal data

It is necessary to provide your personal data and contact details in an internship CV, this way the recruiter can give you feedback about the vacancy. Therefore, provide your name, address, telephone number and email. There is no need to fill in data such as ID, CPF or parents' names.

Ideally, only useful information should be present, after all, a CV should always be succinct and brief. Therefore, personal photos and other data should only be added if requested.

Professional goal

The professional objective is information that cannot be left out of your internship resume. At the same time, it must be aligned with the vacancy so as not to harm the candidate.

Therefore, read the job description and try to use some of its keywords in your objective. In other words, use this field to show your interest in the company.

Professional Experiences

As mentioned earlier in this text, recruiters already expect internship CVs to have little information on professional experiences. So don't worry if you haven't worked in other places before.

However, it is possible to mention experiences such as volunteer work or college extension groups. In this case, inform the name of the company, date on which it worked and what activities it carried out. Finally, prefer those experiences that are linked to the advertised vacancy.

Academic education

Academic training is the topic on the internship CV that deserves the most attention, and it can be placed at the top of the page. However, don't forget to be objective in documents of this type.

At this point, enter the name of the college you studied, the name of the course, the period in which you graduated or the expected completion date. 

Complementary courses and activities

Finally, you can stand out from other candidates by including extra courses and activities in your internship resume. Give preference to those that are linked to the vacancy for which you are applying.

For example: volunteer activities, language courses or free courses are good activities to include. Therefore, if possible, take a free course in the area and present it on your resume.

What to avoid on your internship resume?

Estagiários conversam
Finally, know that practices are not well regarded at this time. Source: Freepik.

It is also necessary to avoid making any mistakes when preparing your internship CV. Firstly, make sure you make your document as brief as possible, no more than one page long.

At the same time, avoid Portuguese mistakes, these can disqualify a candidate at first sight! Finally, organize the data in an attractive way that is easy for recruiters to understand.

If you want to read more about this topic, see our text below on how to make a good CV. We can help you understand how to do it in the best way possible.

Mulher segurando currículo

Curriculum: what is it and how to prepare yours?

Find out the best practices for preparing this document here.

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