
Unicesumar Entrance Exam: how to register?

Do you want to study at one of the best distance learning institutions in Brazil? The Unicesumar entrance exam can be taken online at any time of the year! Read the text to find out how to sign up.


Find out details about the test and the registration process

Jovem faz Vestibular Unicesumar
The entrance exam has only 30 questions, find out how to register. Source: Unsplash.

If you are thinking about taking the Unicesumar entrance exam, you certainly already know the institution and its benefits.

The college offers a wide variety of distance learning courses and has easy entry forms for those who took the Enem or are thinking about taking a second degree.


Entrance exam


EAD Reliable

Check out all the courses available through this link and register.

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However, in this text we will focus on the college's own selection process, the entrance exam!

So, if you want to know more about the subject and find out how to sign up, read until the end.

What are the prerequisites to study at this institution?

To take the entrance exam at Unicesumar, you must have personal documents such as CPF, ID, birth certificate and proof of high school completion on hand.

How to register for the Unicesumar entrance exam?

The candidate must access the college's website and choose the desired course, informing the center at which they plan to take the tests. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your full name, CPF and email.

A new field will appear, select the “Take entrance exam” option and enter the necessary data. Finally, a link will be sent to your email with instructions for taking the Unicesumar entrance exam online.

How do I enroll after approval?

After taking the entrance exam, the grade will be automatically available to the candidate.

The system will then direct the student to the registration tab and it will be necessary to fill in the required data to complete the process.

Unicesumar or Unip: which is the best EAD to study?

Mulher estuda em computador
Compare the two institutions and find out which is more suitable for your reality. Source: Unsplash.

But if you are looking for the best institution to take your distance learning course, be sure to read more texts on our website on the topic.

In addition to the article about the Unicesumar entrance exam, we have a guide about Unip! Therefore, if you want to find more options for higher education institutions, continue reading with the content indicated below.

Unip entrance exam: how to register?

Find out more about one of the most famous colleges in Brazil.

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