
Vestibular Estácio: how to enroll?

The Estácio entrance exam can be taken after a quick registration on this college's website! Find out more about the subject by reading our text.


Find out more about this university’s selection process

Jovem estuda em faculdade EAD
The selection process is quick to register! Source: Freepik.

The Estácio entrance exam is one of the ways to enter this college! At the same time, it is also possible to use the Enem score or request a transfer from another institution.

However, do you know how the entrance exam works and what the process is to sign up for it?


Entrance exam


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Check out information about the selection process at this college and sign up!

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We have created a complete guide that can help you participate in the test without making any mistakes.

Therefore, if you are interested in taking a higher education course at Estácio, be sure to read the text until the end.

What are the prerequisites to study at this institution?

To study at this institution you must have completed high school and take the Estácio entrance exam. These are the only two requirements to enter a higher education course at this college.

How to register for the Estácio entrance exam?

Firstly, access the website provided at the beginning of this text and choose the course you want to study. Then, press the “I want to sign up” button and select Estácio’s “Entrance Exam” as a form of entry.

Finally, the student must provide personal data, such as telephone number and the city in which they wish to study. The link to the online entrance exam will be sent via WhatsApp and the student will have access to the test.

How do I enroll after approval?

After passing the Estácio entrance exam, the student will receive a series of instructions for enrollment via email. Therefore, keep an eye on your email address.

Estácio or Unip: which is the best EAD to study?

Mulher estuda para vestibular Estácio
Compare the two options to make the best choice! Source: Unsplah.

Estácio has a wide range of distance learning courses and offers a lot of practicality. However, Unip may be a more interesting choice if your region does not have an Estácio hub.

Do you want to know more about this other institution? Read our text below on the subject and find out everything!

Unip entrance exam: how to register?

Find out about the conditions at this other college and compare different options to choose the best one.

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