
Starbucks vacancies: how to check the options?

Starbucks jobs are open across the country and can hire people who have completed high school! Find out more in this text.


Our guide helps you find out everything you need to work at the company

Barista trabalha com copos de café
There are vacancies for different profiles, find out more. Source: Freepik.

Have you ever thought about taking one of the Starbucks vacancies and working at one of the most famous coffee chains in the world? There are opportunities open right now and one of them could be perfect for you.

So, if you want to know how to check vacancies, be sure to read this article until the end.

How to send resume to Starbucks?

Check out how to apply for jobs at this company and guarantee the best benefits.

We have created a guide that can help you avoid making any mistakes during the application process and provide the most important information on the topic.

Therefore, be sure to read until the end if you want to obtain all the main information on the subject.

What is Starbucks?

Copo Starbucks
Get to know the company and its values. Source: Pexels.

Starbucks is a chain that is committed to always offering the best quality coffee to its customers. Therefore, the company invests in products and in its “partners”, as the employees are called.

The pillars of this coffee chain are respect and dignity towards employees and customers. At the same time, the company's website also makes clear its respect for diversity.

How to check open vacancies?

First, to check out job opportunities, do a search on a search engine with the terms “Starbucks vacancies” and access the Career Center website.

Then scroll to the bottom of the website. Next to the footer you will find the text “Connect with something bigger”. There will be a link that will direct you to the platform that displays open positions.

What are Starbucks vacancies?

Are you curious and want to know what Starbucks vacancies are? So, check out our list of some of the options that are currently hiring.

Server / Barista

There are vacancies at Starbucks for baristas throughout Brazil! This professional is responsible for preparing coffee, serving customers and operating the cash register.

Finally, the requirements include: having completed high school, being over 18 years old and being willing to serve the public.


The cook must follow the company's recipes and quality standards, paying attention to meeting the requirements of the dishes.

This professional must also keep an eye on stocks and request new ingredients. The only requirement required is completion of high school.


Finally, as a waiter, the employee is responsible for serving the customer, taking orders and carrying out all the activities of a professional in the field.

If you want to work in this role, you must have finished high school.

What is the average salary for those who work at this company?

Salaries vary depending on the Starbucks positions an employee holds. For example, a waiter can earn from R$ 1,302.00 to R$ 3,000.00.

At the same time, the cook receives from R$ 1,000.00 to R$ 2,000.00. Therefore, our recommendation is that the candidate checks the values in the vacancy advertisement created by the company.

What are the main benefits offered?

Among the benefits available to those who occupy one of the Starbucks vacancies we can mention meal vouchers, transport and life insurance.

At the same time, the company also pays for medical and dental insurance for all its employees. Finally, the partner also has a discount at educational institutions.

How to send resume to Starbucks?

Fachada Starbucks
We created a complete guide to help you understand how to send your resume. Source: Pexels.

To submit your resume for one of the Starbucks vacancies you must access the job posting platform, as described earlier in this text. Then choose the position you want to occupy and click on the ad.

At the bottom of the page, click the “Apply to this vacancy” button. The candidate must provide a personal email and fill in all the necessary information on the platform. Another option is to import the data present on the Infojobs website, if you have an account there.

Finally, just click on the “Submit application” button. And if you still have any questions about this topic, be sure to read our full text below on the subject!

How to send resume to Starbucks?

Check out how to apply for jobs at this company and guarantee the best benefits.

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