
SBT vacancies: how to check the options?

SBT vacancies are open in various sectors! In this text we help you discover some of the opportunities, find out more.


Find out how to work at one of the biggest broadcasters in the country

Cameraman ocupa uma das vagas SBT
There are vacancies far beyond the TV and communication area, find out more. Source: Pexels.

Working on television is not just a privilege for artists. There are several SBT vacancies open and one of them may fit your profile.

However, do you know what it takes to apply and compete for one of these vacancies?

Mulher segurando currículo

How do I send a CV to SBT?

Find out the complete step-by-step guide to sending your CV to this great broadcaster!

In this text we will provide you with a complete step-by-step guide on how to apply for the job opportunities available at SBT.

Therefore, if you want to know more about the subject and take advantage of this chance, be sure to read this article until the end.

What is SBT?

Logo SBT
Learn about the company's pillars and values. Source: SBT.

SBT is a Brazilian open television station. Therefore, many people know its programming.

However, few know what it's like to work within this company.

According to SBT, the company's three pillars are “Family, Fun and Information”. These guarantee respect and credibility for the channel.

The company values diversity and seeks employees with different profiles.

At the same time, the broadcasting network advocates continuous learning and encourages its employees to continue developing.

How to check open vacancies?

To check the SBT vacancies that are currently open, the candidate must access the Gupy platform.

This is the job posting site that the company uses to share its opportunities.

Therefore, search for “Gupy SBT vacancies” in a search engine and click on the first result.

What are the SBT vacancies?

Do you want to know some examples of SBT vacancies? So, continue reading and check out our list.

Young apprentice

Among the SBT vacancies we found one for young apprentices.

To apply, you must have completed high school and have not yet started a degree.

Finally, the position is aimed at people from the city of Osasco.

Auditorium assistant

The auditorium assistant will work to guide the public, distribute snack kits and entertain the audience during programs.

To apply, you just need to be studying radio and TV and have already worked on a broadcaster.

Administrative Analyst

Finally, if you are already pursuing a degree, the administrative analyst position could be a good choice.

In this position, the employee must update the programming notebook and maintain contact with the company's affiliates. 

What is the average salary for those who work at this company?

SBT vacancies do not disclose in their advertisements what the salaries are for each position.

However, the company makes it clear that the salary is within market standards.

What are the main benefits offered?

Firstly, whoever occupies one of the SBT vacancies has benefits that increase the salary. For example: food vouchers, meals and transportation.

However, the company still offers more advantages, such as medical and dental assistance, agreements with gyms, a pension plan, life insurance and childcare assistance.

Finally, the company also has the SBT club, which offers discounts on products and leisure activities.

How do I send a CV to SBT?

Pessoa usa computador
Find out the application process for one of these vacancies. Source: Pexels.

To send your CV to one of the SBT vacancies you must have an account on the Gupy platform.

Therefore, if you have not yet registered, you will need to provide your personal details and professional experiences to the platform.

To help you with this process, we created a text with a complete step-by-step guide to help you apply for a vacancy.

So, read the article below and clear all your doubts.

Mulher segurando currículo

How do I send a CV to SBT?

Find out the complete step-by-step guide to sending your CV to this great broadcaster!

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