
Vacancies Riachuelo: how to check the options?

Riachuelo vacancies are open in sectors such as stock, service and warehouse. Find out how to apply to one of these and compete for the best jobs in the company.


This chain store may be hiring near you

Logo Riachuelo
Get to know the company and find out what its values are. Source: Riachuelo.

It is possible to find vacancies at Riachuelo for different profiles and in all regions of the country! If you are looking for a job with a range of benefits, this could be a good option!

In this text we will present the vacancies and help you understand what it takes to apply and apply.

How do I send a CV to Riachuelo?

Check out the guide for sending your resume and find out how to apply for these vacancies!

So, if you are interested in starting to work at this company, be sure to read the text until the end! We have created a complete guide with everything you need to know about the subject.

What is Riachuelo?

Mulher experimenta roupa em loja
Learn how to work in customer service and other areas of the company. Source: Freepik.

Riachuelo is a company that has worked in the fashion industry, selling, producing and transporting clothes, for over 70 years. The company created in Brazil operates abroad and has more than 44 thousand employees.

Among the company's values are customer focus and concern for employee well-being. Therefore, employees find a receptive and humanized work environment.

How to check open vacancies?

To check open Riachuelo vacancies, the candidate must access the Gupy platform. Then, search for “Riachuello” and check out all the options offered by the company.

Finally, you can apply the filters available on the website to find only vacancies in your profile or close to where you live.

What are the Riachuelo vacancies?

Are you curious and want to check out some Riachuelo vacancy options that are open? So, continue reading and see a small list of options:

Service assistant

The Riachuelo customer service assistant position is the one currently hiring the largest number of people! The duties of this position include: providing assistance to customers, offering the store card and carrying out cashier operations.

Finally, the only requirement to fill this position is to have completed high school and be available to work on weekends.

store inspector

On the other hand, the store inspector is a professional who is concerned with preventing losses and losses in the unit in which he works. At the same time, the employee in this role must also monitor the store's cameras.

It is a requirement of this vacancy to know how to monitor camera circuits and have time availability.

forklift operator

Finally, the forklift operator is the professional responsible for loading and unloading materials. Also working with the storage of pallets in the company's stock.

If you want to work in this role, you must have taken a course that teaches you how to operate a forklift.

What is the average salary for those who work at this company?

Riachuelo vacancies do not inform the value of the monthly remuneration in their advertisements. However, the company guarantees that salaries are compatible with the market and provides some benefits that may be advantageous.

What are the main benefits offered?

Firstly, one of the benefits of Riachuelo vacancies is profit sharing. Therefore, workers can count on bonuses in their salaries!

At the same time, it is also possible to receive more financial assistance with meal and transportation vouchers. In the health sector, the company offers medical, dental and life insurance assistance.

Finally, employees also receive discounts on Riachuelo clothing and products and have special conditions at educational centers.

How do I send a CV to Riachuelo?

Mulher escolhe por roupa em loja
If you want to work in the store, read these steps! Source: Freepik.

To send your CV to one of the Riachuelo vacancies you must have an account on the Gupy platform, the means by which the company advertises its opportunities.

Therefore, if you are not yet registered on this site, search for “Gupy” in a search engine and then fill in your personal details and work experiences on the platform.

Finally, search for “Riachuelo” on Gupy and find the vacancy you want. To send your CV, simply click on “Apply for a vacancy” in the top right corner.

If you want more information about the registration process, be sure to read our full text below on the topic!

How do I send a CV to Riachuelo?

Get more information by reading our complete guide on the topic!

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