
Marisa vacancies: how to check the options?

Marisa vacancies can be accessed through the Gupy platform! Find out more about the subject by reading our complete guide with instructions to check out the opportunities.


The network has job offers throughout Brazil

Mulher compra roupas
Want to find out how to check vacancies? Read the text! Source: Freepik.

One of the vacancies at Marisa may be open near your home and be the job opportunity you are looking for.

If you plan to return to the job market, or even find a first job, this company has the ideal conditions for hiring.

How to send resume to Marisa?

Want more details about the application process? Read here.

In this text we will present the profiles sought by the company and describe the application process for the position.

Therefore, read the article until the end so you don't miss any important information and make sure you won't make any mistakes when sending your resume. 

What is Marisa?

Logo Marisa
Find out details about the company's history. Source: Marisa.

Marisa is a clothing store specializing in women's fashion. Therefore, the company argues that its purpose is more than just meeting needs, but also making dreams come true and providing confidence to women.

When it comes to her employees, Marisa looks for people who enjoy fashion and contact with the public. Therefore, if this is your profile, you already have an advantage in the selection process.

How to check open vacancies?

To check vacancies at Marisa you need to access this company's Gupy platform.

This is the website through which the company advertises job opportunities and carries out its selection processes.

What are the vacancies Marisa?

Do you want to check out some of the vacancies at Marisa? Therefore, continue reading and see a selection of positions we have selected.

Customer advisor

Firstly, get to know the role of client advisor. The professional in this role must organize the store and offer financial products to the customer.

Finally, to occupy the position you only need to have completed high school.

Loss Prevention Assistant

The loss prevention assistant position is looking for people who can operate closed circuit cameras, make rounds and supervise the store in general.

As with other roles, you only need to have completed high school. 


Finally, we mention the vacancy Marisa for cashier. This requires the candidate to have completed high school and its functions include customer service, offering financial products and carrying out exchanges.

What is the average salary for those who work at this company?

Marisa vacancies do not inform the monthly amount paid for each of the functions. However, it is possible to state that the company provides salaries within the average market value.

What are the main benefits offered?

Among the benefits for a worker who fills one of the vacancies at Marisa, we can mention transportation vouchers, health insurance and dental insurance.

Finally, in some cases it is also possible to count on a chartered bus from the company.

How to send resume to Marisa?

Mulher usa computador para consultar vagas Marisa
The application process must be done online. Source: Freepik.

To send your CV and apply for one of Marisa's vacancies, you must have an account on the Gupy platform.

Therefore, if you have not yet registered on this site, fill in all the necessary information.

Finally, remember to provide true and detailed data, after all, this information will be used as your resume. 

If you still have questions about the topic, be sure to read our full text on the subject via the link below

Mulher segurando currículo

How to send resume to Marisa?

Get more information in our complete guide on the subject.

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