Torra Store vacancies: how to check the options?
To check vacancies at Torra Stores, you need to access this company's Gupy platform! This way, you can see the benefits package they offer. Find out how through our text.
The network is present in 13 states in Brazil and may be hiring near you
Vacancies at Torra Stores have been a way of returning to the job market for thousands of people.
The network is hiring in several areas and in some vacancies only a high school education is required. Therefore, this is the perfect opportunity for those who do not have a degree.
How do I send a CV to Lojas Torra?
Check out the application process for vacancies at this company in detail.
Do you want to know more about the subject and find out how to check job options and send your CV? Then read our article on this subject.
We have prepared a complete guide that will answer all your questions and help you avoid making any mistakes in the process, find out more.
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What are Torra Stores?
Torra stores have been selling clothes and household items for 30 years! The company began as an innovative venture and today has 5 thousand employees throughout Brazil.
At the same time, among the company's values it is possible to mention support for diversity. Therefore, there are programs that encourage the hiring of LGBT employees and there is concern that 70% of leadership positions are occupied by women.
How to check open vacancies?
To check open vacancies at Torra stores, you need to access the company's Gupy page. This is the website that the company uses to advertise its job opportunities.
What are Torra Stores vacancies?
Are you curious and want to know some of the vacancies in Torra stores? So, continue reading and check out the selection we made!
Young apprentice
Firstly, we mention one of the vacancies in Torra stores that is aimed at those who are still studying in High School! The young apprentice must assist in activities such as storage, pricing and organization of merchandise.
Store Inspector
To become an inspector at Torra stores a person must know how to operate a closed circuit camera. At the same time, it is also necessary to have completed high school and know how to use a computer.
Card consultant
Finally, the vacancy at Torra's card consultant stores seeks people who have completed high school and know how to use a computer. The employee must work by offering the store card and helping with the preparation of credits.
What is the average salary for those who work at this company?
The website on which vacancies are advertised at Torra stores does not provide information on the average salary for each position.
However, the company guarantees that payments are within the market average and offers a series of benefits.
What are the main benefits offered?
Firstly, among the benefits of a place in Torra stores, we can mention food and transport vouchers. At the same time, the company also offers advantages in the health sector, such as life insurance, gym memberships and medical, psychological and dental assistance.
Finally, there is an opportunity for growth and agreements with educational institutions. Therefore, employees can take advantage of various opportunities for professional growth.
How do I send a CV to Lojas Torra?
To send your CV to one of the vacancies at Torra stores you need to create an account on the Gupy job advertising platform. Therefore, if you have not yet registered on this site, you will need to register one.
Fill in all your personal details carefully and provide information about your work experiences. This data will be part of your resume.
Finally, access the Gupy homepage and search for “Torra”. Then, find the best vacancy for your profile and click on the ad to see more information. To apply, simply click on “Apply for a vacancy” in the top right corner.
And if you have any questions about the topic, be sure to read our full text on the subject at the link below! We can help you with the registration process.
How do I send a CV to Lojas Torra?
Check out the application process for vacancies at this company in detail.
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