Lojas Americanas vacancies: how to check the options?
Lojas Americanas vacancies seek people at different stages of their careers. Therefore, there may be a perfect option for you. Continue reading and check out all the information about this company’s selection process.
The company hires professionals at different stages of their career
It is possible that one of the Lojas Americanas vacancies is in line with what you are looking for in your career!
Have you ever thought about working in this network? The benefits offered to employees can be very advantageous.
How do I send a CV to Lojas Americanas?
See here how to send your resume and apply for one of the vacancies at this company.
In this text we will help you find the right vacancy and explain the process for registering and competing for this position.
Therefore, if you are looking for a job, be sure to read the text until the end to check all the necessary information on the subject.
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What are Lojas Americanas?
Lojas Americanas is a network that has several stores. For example: Americanas, Submarino, Shoptime and Sou Barato. These institutions sell the most diverse products and it is possible to find more than 1,700 units in Brazil.
Therefore, due to its large size, it is possible to have several Lojas Americanas vacancies open and one of them may be close to your home.
If you want to know how to check the options, continue reading and find out which platform the advertisement is made through.
How to check open vacancies?
Lojas Americanas vacancies are advertised through the Gupy platform. The company's website also has some options, however it only directs the interested party to the platform mentioned above.
Therefore, to check open vacancies, you can access the Gupy website and search for “Americanas”. You can then apply filters and check the positions that best suit your skills.
What are Lojas Americanas vacancies?
Lojas Americanas vacancies can be filled by professionals at different stages of their careers.
This company has a trainee and internship program that provides opportunities for people who are just starting out and, at the same time, has vacancies for those completing their master's degree!
So, check out some options below.
Firstly, we mention operational vacancies. These are focused on activities in stores. For example: replacement, cash and stock. Options are open in several cities and states in Brazil.
Lojas Americanas trainee vacancies are aimed at students who have just completed their degree. Some of the possibilities that are hiring are: Marketing Analyst and Supply Analyst.
On the other hand, internship positions are intended for those who are still studying at a higher education institution. These hire people from any field and can enhance a student's graduation.
Master's talents
These vacancies open less frequently. Therefore, you need to check if there are options in the area and if the contract is for your region. Among the requirements is that the student is enrolled in a master's program.
What is the average salary for those who work at this company?
The remuneration for those who occupy one of the Lojas Americanas vacancies depends on the position held.
The company does not disclose the salary for each role in the vacancy announcement. However, there is a guarantee that the payment is compatible with the role held.
What are the main benefits offered?
Among the main benefits is the fact that a person who works at Lojas Americanas receives discounts at stores that are part of the group!
At the same time, it is possible to count on other positive points such as:
- Life insurance;
- Meal Assistance;
- Health and dental plan.
How do I send a CV to Lojas Americanas?
To apply for one of the Lojas Americanas vacancies you must have an account on the Gupy platform. Firstly, create an account on this website and add all your personal details and work and academic experiences.
Then, search for “Americanas” and apply for the vacancy that is most closely related to your profile. The selection process is carried out completely through this platform. So, keep an eye on your email to check the next steps.
So that there is no doubt about the subject, read our recommended article below on the topic and find out more.
How do I send a CV to Lojas Americanas?
See here how to send your resume and apply for one of the vacancies at this company.
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