Havan vacancies: how to check the options?
Vacancies at Havan are open in several states in Brazil. Find out in this text how to check out these opportunities and find the best one for your career.
Find out how to be part of this company's team of employees
Vacancies at Havan are available in several locations across Brazil! This company is growing and, therefore, will hire a large number of employees.
In this text we will help you understand how to check the company's job options and apply.
Therefore, if you want to know more about the subject, read the article until the end.
Finally, we can prevent you from making mistakes in the process and help you apply in the most effective way.
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What is Havan?
Havan is a chain of stores in the retail sector. In this company's units you can find all types of products for decoration, use and household utilities.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the chain is famous for the structure of its stores and the presence of a replica of the Statue of Liberty in some of the units.
With regard to its values, the company preaches that daily life and activities must be carried out with joy, simplicity and humility.
Therefore, the intention is to create a pleasant environment for all employees.
How to check open vacancies?
Firstly, to check open Havan vacancies, the candidate must access the “Work with Us at Havan” website.
The company will provide some options for action, such as joining the team at stores already open, or finding out about opportunities for the chain's future headquarters.
Therefore, select the one that interests you most and check out all the vacancies that are available on the Gupy platform page, to which you will be redirected.
What are Havan vacancies?
Check out some of the job options at Havan that are currently hiring. We have prepared a list so that you know the profile the company wants.
Vacancies in stores that will open
It is possible to find Havan vacancies in the cities of Bagé, Gi-Paraná, Registro, Alta Floresta and Santa Rosa. New stores will be opening soon in these locations, which is why the company is hiring a large number of employees.
Havan's administrative center in Brusque, in the state of Santa Catarina, is also hiring. In this case, you must live in the city and have characteristics such as customer focus and business vision.
C# Developer
Finally, this is one of Havan's vacancies that can be carried out remotely. The candidate must have experience in systems development and the programming languages C#, .Net, Genexus and Python.
What is the average salary for those who work at this company?
The Havan vacancy announcement does not indicate the salary amount paid for each position. However, we can say that administrative positions carry higher payments than the store's operational functions.
What are the main benefits offered?
Vacancies at Havan offer several benefits. Firstly, employees have a health plan, food vouchers, daycare assistance and six months of maternity or paternity leave, if necessary.
At the same time, it is still possible to have an agreement with SESC and enjoy exclusive discounts in restaurants and cafes selected by the company.
How to send resume to Havana?
CVs for vacancies at Havan must be sent through the Gupy platform. This is the job posting and candidate selection site that the company uses to hire new professionals.
Therefore, if you do not yet have a Gupy account, fill out the registration form with all your personal data and career information. Remember that this will be your resume.
Finally, so that there is no doubt about this topic, read our full text below on the subject.
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