
See how to find packing jobs

Check out which platforms offer packaging jobs by reading our text! We can help you find a new job with our guide.


Check out our guide that can help you with the application process

Homem ocupa vaga de embalador
Find out how to fill a vacancy in this role. Source: Freepik

Finding packing jobs near your home is a simple process that can be done in just a few minutes.

Do you want to know where to start and how to create a resume that can attract recruiters in this area?




Salary R$1400 New profession

Check out one of the websites that offer opportunities in this area. Come in and register.

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So, read our guide on the topic and discover how to find the best opportunities in this area.

We can help you return to the job market with some tips and recommendations.

What are the requirements to be a packer?

Packer vacancies do not require any type of technical or higher education course. Therefore, it is possible to apply for this position after finishing high school.

Still, having basic knowledge of computers, the Office package and being helpful can also help you get a job in this area.

What can't be missing from a packer's resume?

When sending a CV for one of the packaging vacancies, highlight the fact that you have already completed high school.

If you have experience in the area, this could be a differentiator that will attract the attention of recruiters.

However, don't despair if you've never worked before. In this case, it is possible to take free courses related to the area and list these on the CV.

How to find packager jobs?

Firstly, click on the link available at the beginning of this article. This will take you to a page with vacancies in the area.

Then, use the platform's filters to find the packager vacancies closest to your address.

Finally, it is possible to check opportunities on other websites. For example: Catho, Gupy and Infojobs. 

Packer or Joiner: which is the best profession to work in?

Homem trabalha com emabalador
Compare the two professions to choose the one that suits you best. Source: Freepik

Packer vacancies can be a good option for those looking for a first job. However, if this is not your case, you can send resumes to other areas.

We cite, for example, the position of carpenter. If you want to know what the positive points and requirements of this profession are, read our text on the subject available below.

Joiner jobs

Find out details about this career and find out how to start working in the area by reading our article.

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