Casas Bahia vacancies: how to check the options?
To check vacancies at Casas Bahia, you need to access the Gupy platform and search for the group that the company is part of. Find out more about this subject in our text.
The store network offers opportunities throughout Brazil
Have you ever thought about taking up one of the vacancies at Casas Bahia? If you are thinking about getting your first job, or returning to the job market, this could be a good solution.
The process for making your application is very simple and can be done online in a matter of minutes.
How do I send a CV to Casas Bahia?
Check here how to access vacancies from this company and have a better chance of getting a formal job with good benefits.
Therefore, if you want to know how to get a job at this company, continue reading our text.
We have prepared a complete guide to help you understand the CV submission process, be sure to check it out.
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What is Casas Bahia?
Casas Bahia is one of the largest retail chains in Brazil. These stores are known for the diversity of products and their prices that are accessible to the majority of the population.
Currently, the network has become part of the Via group, which brings together companies such as Extra, Ponto, BanQi and others. Therefore, Casas Bahia vacancies can be found alongside the options in these companies.
The group states that its values are based on passion for people, simplicity, innovation and autonomy for its employees.
How to check open vacancies?
Candidates can access the “Vem pra Via” website to check job options in this group.
If you really want to occupy one of the vacancies at Casas Bahia, select the “Você na Via” button in the menu and then click on “Stores”. The candidate will be redirected to the Gupy platform, the website where the company advertises its vacancies.
Another way to check vacancies, which leads to the same result, is to directly access the Gupy website and search for “Via”. Therefore, it will be possible to check vacancies at Casas Bahia.
What are Casas Bahia vacancies?
How about finding out about some job options in this store chain? Therefore, check the descriptions below and find out if any of them are in your profile.
Sales and service advisor
This vacancy at Casas Bahia focuses on customer service. To apply, you just need to be over 18 years old and have a high school diploma.
Store administrative
Professionals in the area need to collaborate with the administrative and operational management of the store. Therefore, among the requirements is the requirement to have experience in retail.
Store manager
Finally, the manager must analyze the results, promote improvement policies and ensure the development of his team.
To occupy the position you must have experience in team management and be studying or have completed a higher education course.
What is the average salary for those who work at this company?
Casas Bahia vacancies do not inform the monthly payments made to their employees through the advertisements.
However, it is possible to verify, according to the company's values, that salaries are compatible with the market.
What are the main benefits offered?
According to the Via group website, workers who fill vacancies at Casas Bahia receive health benefits, such as medical and dental assistance, life insurance and telemedicine.
At the same time, it is still possible to count on financial advantages, such as food vouchers and a private pension plan.
Finally, if the employee has a child, there are benefits such as maternity leave, mother's card, help with laundry and medical monitoring.
How do I send a CV to Casas Bahia?
Finally, to send a resume for vacancies at Casas Bahia, candidates must have a Gupy account.
Therefore, create your profile with personal data, experience and training on the platform. This information will be used as your CV, so please provide it all carefully.
If you want to know more about the application process, read our text below on this topic and find out how to prepare to send your CV.
How do I send a CV to Casas Bahia?
Check here how to access vacancies from this company and have a better chance of getting a formal job with good benefits.
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