
Atacadão vacancies: how to check the options?

Do you know how to find Atacadão vacancies that are open? In this text we will introduce you to everything about the topic and talk about the hiring programs that this market has.


The company offers several hiring programs

Família em mercado
The market network may have opportunities close to you. Source: Freepik.

Are you in doubt about how to apply for one of the vacancies at Atacadão? You need to be careful as the company carries out its selection process in a different way.

However, by reading our text on this subject you will have all your doubts resolved.

How do I send a CV to Atacadão?

Check here how to send your resume to this company.

Are you curious and want to know more? So keep reading to find out how to apply to work at this company.

The process is simple and if done correctly it can guarantee you more chances of occupying the position at the company.

What is Atacadão?

Família em mercado
The network offers offers for those who buy in bulk. Source: Freepik.

Atacadão is a market network that sells wholesale products, that is, in large quantities and for lower prices. Therefore, business owners and even end consumers can make their purchases while spending less.

The company values people development. Therefore, Atacadão vacancies create chances for its employees to obtain higher positions within the company itself.

At the same time, this company also offers opportunities for people who are starting their careers. Discover some of these in the next topic.

How to check open vacancies?

When searching for “Work with us Atacadão” in a search engine, the user will have access to this company’s careers website. This contains the hiring programs that the market develops and career opportunities.

However, this website does not display a list of open vacancies at Atacadão. This is because the company has a policy of not hiring online. 

According to the official Atacadão website, all CVs must be delivered directly to the chosen store. However, before applying, check the next topic to see if your profile matches one of the company's programs.

What are the Atacadão vacancies?

As previously stated, vacancies at Atacadão are not advertised on the internet. However, on the company's website it is still possible to check what the hiring programs are and thus know if your profile suits the opportunities. Check out!

Program include to transform

Firstly, this program provides places at Atacadão for people with disabilities. It is possible to be employed in the area in which the candidate has experience through this program.

Learning Program

This is Atacadão’s young apprentice program. To apply for one of the vacancies you must be between 14 and 24 years old, have never worked and be studying or have completed high school.

Internship Program

To occupy one of the vacancies at Atacadão in the internship program you must be over 18 years old and enrolled in a higher education course.

Courses in the areas of Administration, Economics, Marketing, IT, Logistics and Nutrition are accepted.

Trainee Program

This program selects Atacadão employees to go through an internal selection process. Ultimately, those selected will receive leadership positions in the chosen units.

What is the average salary for those who work at this company?

The company does not inform what the remuneration is for the vacancies. However, we must emphasize that in different programs the amounts received by employees will be different.

What are the main benefits offered?

One of the benefits of filling vacancies at Atacadão is the possibility of development within the company.

Therefore, some time after joining the company it is possible to go through the trainee program and obtain more advantageous positions.

How do I send a CV to Atacadão?

Mulher em mercado
The CV must be delivered in person, check information. Source: Freepik.

The big difference in this company's selection process is the fact that it is not done online. 

Atacadão's official website states that the company does not advertise vacancies on social networks and websites. Therefore, candidates should be careful with these advertisements.

If your profile matches one of those described above, you will need to take your resume to an Atacadão unit. Don't forget to include contact details in the document so that the company can get back to you.

To find out more about this topic, read our full text below on how the application should be made at Atacadão.

How do I send a CV to Atacadão?

Check here how to send your resume to this company.

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