
Aiqfome vacancies: how to check the options?

Aiqfome vacancies may be hiring professionals who match your profile! Find out how to check out the opportunities in this text. This way, you will be able to compete for the best vacancies in the company.


Discover the benefits and learn how to work at the company

Logo Aiqfome
Discover the app and learn more about its history. Source: Aiqfome.

Are you looking for a technological and relaxed company to work for? Therefore, one of the Aiqfome vacancies may be suitable for you.

Employees at this company enjoy various benefits and work in a promising area of the job market.

How do I send a CV to Aiqfome?

Check out our guide and find out how to send your resume to the company.

So, if you want to know more about the subject and find out how to apply, read this article until the end!

We have prepared a guide that will help you discover how to check open vacancy options and describe the application process. Check out!

What is Aiqfome?

Homem trabalha em startup
The company is looking for new talents for its team, find out more. Source: Freepik.

Aiqfome is a meal ordering app that is present in 22 Brazilian states. This has great growth potential and has already caught the attention of several customers.

With its employees, the app says it has a simple ambition: to become the talk of Sunday lunch. In other words, the platform wants to be a pleasant and light job.

How to check open vacancies?

Aiqfome vacancies are available on this company's Gupy page. Therefore, to check the options, the candidate must access this job advertisement website and search for the terms “Aiqfome”.

At the same time, it is also possible to access the “Be a Fomer” website and click on the button available at the bottom of the page. The user will be redirected to Gupy.

This way, you can filter vacancies and find the best opportunity for you.

What are Aiqfome vacancies?

Want to check out some of the Aiqfome vacancies that are open? The company usually hires employees in operational positions, such as operators and assistants.

We made a list of some of the options open at the moment. So, continue reading to find out more.

Talent pool

Firstly, one of the Aiqfome vacancies available at Gupy is the talent pool. The ad is accepting CVs for the areas of commercial, marketing, HR and others.

Therefore, this is an opportunity if you want to leave your CV on a waiting list before a vacancy in your profile opens up!

iOS Developer 

The iOS Developer position is aimed at people who have diverse knowledge in the IT field. For example: XCode, UIKit, building a layout with Storyboard or View Code.

Finally, the job's duties include: providing assistance with the development of the app, proposing solutions and testing its results.

What is the average salary for those who work at this company?

Aiqfome vacancies do not inform what remuneration is paid to its employees. However, the company offers a series of benefits that make the job offer advantageous.

What are the main benefits offered?

Among the benefits of Aiqfome vacancies we can mention transport vouchers, food vouchers and life insurance.

At the same time, the company also offers coupons on the Aiqfome app, partnerships with gyms and home office assistance.

How do I send a CV to Aiqfome?

Mulher envia currículo para vagas Aiqfome
Do you want to register? So, check out the step by step. Source: Freepik.

To apply for one of the Aiqfome vacancies you need to have an account on the Gupy job advertising website. Therefore, if you have not yet registered on this platform, create a login and enter your personal details and work experiences.

Finally, when you find the position you want, click on “Apply for the position” in the top right corner of the screen.

If you still have any questions about the topic, be sure to read our full text on the subject at the link below!

How do I send a CV to Aiqfome?

Read the text in more detail so as not to miss any important information.

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