
Unova Free courses: discover the options

At Unova Cursos, students do not pay any fees to attend available online classes! Find out more about the subject and discover how to obtain certificates by reading our text.


This platform can help you specialize quickly and practically

Homem estuda com Unova Cursos gratuitos
Find out how this platform works by reading our guide. Source: Freepik

Do you know Unova Free Courses? This platform can be a great way to stay in constant training and specialize.

Furthermore, this site is also recommended for those who wish to obtain certificates for working additional hours.

Unova Courses Registration

Find out how to create your account and start studying.

However, to take the courses you need to know how the site works and the correct way to create your registration.

That's why we created this guide that can answer your main questions on the topic! So, be sure to read until the end.

What is Unova Cursos?

Mulher faz curso online
We can help you get to know the platform! Source: Freepik

Unova Cursos is a platform that offers free online classes to thousands of Brazilian students.

This institution is associated with ABED (Brazilian Distance Learning Association). Therefore, it is possible to say that Unova Cursos is reliable.

This website was founded in the city of Goiânia in 2010 and seeks to offer quality online education, helping students to specialize.

How do free Unova courses work?

Firstly, we need to highlight that Unova Cursos offers free courses. 

In other words, certificates can be used as additional hours and mentioned on resumes, but they do not carry the weight of a technologist or bachelor's degree.

Classes on the platform are taught through recorded videos that students can watch anywhere and at any time.

Therefore, even people who work and have a busy life can study using this site.

Finally, after watching all the video lessons and reading the content provided, a student must answer a final test to prove their knowledge.

Those approved can issue a certificate for R$29.90. This document certifies additional hours!

What are the course options at Unova?

Do you want to know some of the course options available at Unova Cursos? Therefore, see the following list:

Public Tenders

  • federal Constitution
  • Portuguese for Enem


  • English
  • Spanish
  • Italian


  • Excel
  • Getting to know the metaverse
  • Design for social media

What are the advantages of Unova Free Courses?

Firstly, we can mention the fact that Unova Cursos no Reclame Aqui does not have a negative score. Therefore, the company has no problems with customers.

Another advantage is the fact that the study material is available for free. Just like the same being of quality.

Finally, we can mention the convenience of studying at home at any time as another benefit.

How to register for courses?

Mulher estuda com curso online
Finally, check out the registration process. Source: Freepik

First, access the Unova Cursos home page and click on the “Enter” button in the top right corner.

Then, select the option “Click here to register” and enter your name, email and create a password. Finally, click on the “Let’s go” button

After creating your registration, you can search for “Unova Cursos discount coupon” in a search engine and find discounts to issue your certificate for a cheaper price.

So, be sure to check out this savings opportunity on platforms like RadarCupom.

If you have any further questions about the registration process, read our complete guide on the topic below! We can help you create your account quickly.

Unova Courses Registration

If you still have any questions about the subject, read this text.

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