
Unip: see how to enroll in distance learning courses

Unip has two different possibilities for distance learning courses! Read the text to understand how these work and which one is best for you!


Going to college without leaving home is a possible dream at Unip

Garoto estuda com curso EAD Unip
Distance learning courses can have prices that fit your budget. Source: Freepik.

Have you been looking for higher education institutions that offer courses in the EAD format? Therefore, Unip could be a good choice.

In this article we will present all the most important information about this college. For example: available courses, monthly fees and much more!

Unip entrance exam: how to register?

Find out how to enter this college and study quality courses.

Do you want to know if this is the best option to start your degree? So read the text until the end!

Our tips and recommendations can help you find the best path for your studies.

What is Unip?

Logo Unip
The private institution is one of the most famous in Brazil, get more information here. Source: Unip.

Unip is the acronym for Universidade Paulista. However, this institution does not only have headquarters in the state of São Paulo, it is possible to find college centers and study in person in Goiás, Amazonas and the Federal District.

Finally, distance learning courses are offered to people from all over Brazil in more than 900 college centers. These are recognized due to their quality.

How does Unip's EAD work?

According to the Unip website, this college offers distance learning courses in two different ways. Firstly, it is possible to take a Flex degree, in which there are online classes and, at certain times, the student must attend one of the college's centers.

On the other hand, the degree called Digital is EAD! It also has flexible schedules and recorded classes. Therefore, the student can watch the content whenever they can and can graduate by studying only at home.

Finally, in some courses the student may be required to be present weekly at a center for practical activities. You need to confirm whether this format applies to your degree option.

Who can study at the institution?

The only requirement to study at Unip is to have completed high school! Then, the candidate can register for the entrance exam at this institution or enter through other means. For example: using the Enem score.

What are the institution's distance learning courses?

The list of distance learning courses at Unip is immense! Check out some of the options available in the list below:

  • Information security;
  • Computer network;
  • Pedagogy;
  • Real state business;
  • History;
  • Between others.

What is the average monthly fee for distance learning courses?

Distance learning courses at Unip are offered with a monthly fee of on average R$ 174.90. However, by taking the entrance exam or using the Enem score, it is possible to obtain discounts on the monthly fee.

Is it worth studying at Unip?

Are you in doubt whether an EAD course at Unip is really right for you? Therefore, check out our list of positive and negative points of the college to have more clarity in your decision.


Firstly, among the positive points we can mention:

  • Low monthly fees;
  • Possibility to study at free time;
  • Courses with recognized quality.


On the other hand, among the disadvantages we can list:

  • Lack of contact with practical activities;
  • Lack of face-to-face contact with teachers and classmates.

How does the institution's entrance exam work?

Homem usa o computador para fazer vestibular Unip
Find out how to take the entrance exam online. Source: Freepik.

Unip has three different forms of entrance exams. Firstly, we mention the online entrance exam, carried out through an essay right after the student signs up for one of the distance learning courses.

Another option is the scheduled entrance exam, which must be booked one day in advance on the institution's website and is taken at one of the college's centers.

Finally, there is still the option to do so, with a date informed by Unip. In this case, you must register at least 24 hours in advance.

If you want to know how to register for these tests, read our full text on the topic and get more information! The link is available below.

Unip entrance exam: how to register?

Want to know more details about the process? Read our text and check it out.

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