
Unicesumar: see how to enroll in distance learning courses

Find out what it takes to start your degree at Unicesumar! We have prepared a guide that helps you get to know this institution better.


Find out more about graduation at the institution

Jovens estudam na Unicesumar
How about getting your diploma without leaving home? In this college this is possible. Source: Unsplash.

Are you looking for a good higher education institution to start your degree? So get to know Unicesumar and find out what its advantages are.

In this text we will introduce you to the main courses and explain how the entrance exam for this college works.

Unicesumar Entrance Exam: how to register?

Find out how to sign up for this college's selection process and achieve your dream of graduating.

Therefore, if you want to know more about the subject, be sure to read this text until the end.

We have prepared a complete guide that can help you with the first steps of your journey towards graduation or postgraduate studies.

What is Unicesumar?

Logo Unicesumar
Get to know the institution and its positive points. Source: Unicesumar.

Unicesumar is a private college based in the city of Maringá. At the same time, the institution also has several headquarters in other cities in the state of Paraná. For example: Londrina, Curitiba and Ponta Grossa

Finally, it is also possible to take advantage of the quality of education at this institution even if you do not live in this state. This is because Unicesumar teaches distance learning courses and has more than 1000 centers in cities around the world.

How does Unicesumar's EAD work?

During the semester, the student takes distance learning classes at Unicesumar through the Studeo program. At the same time, activities can also be carried out that will be counted in the final average.

Finally, to pass the course you need to get at least a 6 in a test taken in person at one of the college's centers. 

Who can study at the institution?

To study at this institution you must have completed high school and have personal documents, such as CPF, ID and birth certificate. At the same time, it is also necessary to present a High School Transcript and a Certificate of Completion.

However, students with different profiles may encounter different requirements to join Unicesumar. For example: if you want to obtain discounts based on your Enem test, you will need to prove it. 

What are the institution's distance learning courses?

Are you looking for distance learning course options at Unicesumar? So, see our list and check out some of the degrees available.

  • Digital Media;
  • Agronomy;
  • Economic Sciences;
  • Entrepreneurship;
  • Software Engineering;
  • And many others.

What is the average monthly fee for distance learning courses?

The monthly fee for courses at Unicesumar varies between R$ 200.00 and R$ 300.00.

However, it is possible to get discounts if you have a score higher than 700 on the Enem or are taking your second degree.

Is it worth studying at Unicesumar?

Do you want to know if studying at Unicesumar is a good idea? Therefore, check out our list of pros and cons of this educational institution


Among the main advantages we can highlight those mentioned below.

  • Wide variety of distance learning courses;
  • No registration fee;
  • Online entrance exam;
  • There is no need to take the entrance exam if you have already completed another degree or Enem.


The disadvantages are described below.

  • Little contact with colleagues and teachers due to EAD;
  • Little contact with practical activities during graduation.

How does the institution's entrance exam work?

Pessoa usa computador
Finally, find out everything you need to know about the admission test. Source: Unsplash.

First of all, you need to know that Unicesumar has an online entrance exam! Therefore, it is possible to take the college entrance test without leaving home. And the best part is that the test is always available, the candidate just needs to make the request.

After answering all 30 questions, the student receives their grade and finds out whether they have been approved to study at this institution.

Finally, if you want to know more about the subject, read our specific text about this college's entrance exam through the link below.

Unicesumar Entrance Exam: how to register?

Find out where to start the college admission process to guarantee your place.

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