
Everything about the technical course in occupational safety

The occupational safety technician is the professional who prevents and raises awareness among employees about occupational accidents and illnesses! Find out more in this text.


Discover the career and find out if it is the best fit for you

homens uniformizados
Find out what this professional’s functions are. Source: Freepik

We will provide a complete guide on the occupational safety technical course in this article!

If you plan to pursue this career, read the text to obtain important information and learn more about the topic.

Work safety technician

Check out how to sign up for the course.

We have created a complete guide answering the main questions that may arise about this profession.

Therefore, check the text and find out if this technical course is really the best professional choice.

What is a technical course in occupational safety?

equipamentos de segurança
The course can last up to 2 years. Source: Freepik

The technical course in occupational safety seeks to train professionals in this area. These seek to prevent accidents in companies and plan containment actions for them. 

How does the technical course in occupational safety work?

This technical course lasts an average of 1 and a half to 2 years. Students are exposed to practical and theoretical subjects as soon as they begin their studies. This way you know part of this professional’s routine.

Therefore, as in other courses, tests and assignments can be applied to measure students' knowledge. Finally, in some cases it is necessary to submit a TCC to graduate.

Who can take this course?

To enroll in the occupational safety technical course, the student must have completed high school.

What do you learn in technical occupational safety courses?

The subjects offered generally encompass regulatory standards and ways to detect, prevent and combat occupational risks and illnesses in a company.

How much does this course cost on average?

The monthly fee for this course can cost an average of R$250.00. However, it is still possible to reduce some of the value with scholarships provided by various institutions.

What is the work safety technician’s area of expertise?

Firstly, the occupational safety technician can work in medium and large companies, helping employees and avoiding risk situations.

Therefore, this professional can carry out awareness actions about occupational diseases or safety practices.

This professional can also develop strategies to prevent and reduce the risk of accidents.

What is the difference between an occupational safety technician and an occupational safety engineer?

The technical work safety course lasts an average of 2 years. However, an engineering degree can take up to 5 years.

The difference is also present in the activities carried out by these two professionals.

Therefore, while an engineer is involved with the bureaucratic part of security, a technician carries out the engineer's instructions.

How to enroll in technical occupational safety courses?

trabalhadores uniformizados
The process depends on the institution. Source: Freepik

If you are interested and want to sign up, check out our article for detailed information about the signup process and ensure you complete it without making any mistakes.

Work safety technician

See more information on how to register for airline courses.

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