General Terms and Conditions of Use

Updated on November 23, 2023.

INDIETECH OÜ, an Estonian limited liability company (LLC, also known as OÜ), registered under VAT EE102204759 and with its registered office in Tallinn, at Rua Sepapaja 6, CEP 15551, Harju Estonia, is the creator, owner and maintainer of the Senhor Cursos website , whose domain is

Senhor Cursos is a portal of content and services related to courses, focusing on information and analysis. The administration of the portal is the responsibility of Senhor Cursos, which is the entity designated by the pronoun “we” in this document.

Access and use of the portal by the user is subject to the terms, conditions and policies described here. By using the portal, the user declares agreement with all provisions of this document.

Senhor Cursos reserves the right to change these terms at any time, without prior notice. The changes will be published on the portal and will take effect immediately.

Users are responsible for their own behavior on the portal. Senhor Cursos is not responsible for any damages or losses caused by the user to themselves or third parties.

Users cannot:

  • Post content that is illegal, defamatory, obscene or that violates the rights of third parties;
  • Use the portal for commercial purposes or to promote third party products or services;
  • Interfere with the functioning of the portal or services offered by Senhor Cursos.

Senhor Cursos collects and uses personal data from users for the purposes of identification, registration and provision of services. Senhor Cursos’ Privacy Policy, available at, details how personal data is collected, used and protected by Senhor Cursos.

By accessing and using the Senhor Cursos portal, the user agrees to the terms and conditions established in this document. If the user does not agree with the established terms, they must avoid using the services offered by Senhor Cursos.

Section I – Admission

If the user decides to access the content of the Senhor Cursos website and use its services, the Senhor Cursos services, the user must:

  • Agree to the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy.
  • Be at least 18 years old and have full civil capacity.

If the user does not meet these criteria, they should not access or use Senhor Cursos services.

Section II – Contact

To get in touch, the user can use the form available on the Senhor Cursos website, which can be found at the link

The customer service is available to answer questions, solve problems or receive complaints.

Section III – Responsibilities of the Parties

3.1 Admission

The user declares to have read, understood and agreed with the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of Senhor Cursos.

3.2 Links to third party websites

Senhor Cursos provides links to third-party websites, where services and products can be purchased directly from the corresponding companies. Senhor Cursos is not responsible for the policies and terms of use of these sites, nor for information about services or products advertised.

The user is responsible for checking the policies and terms of use of third-party websites before carrying out any transaction.

3.3 Navigation risks

Senhor Cursos is not responsible for damages caused by viruses or malware acquired while browsing or transferring data on the internet. The user must take the necessary measures to protect their system and data, such as using an updated antivirus and a firewall.

3.4 Misuse

Senhor Cursos is not responsible for losses arising from improper use of the website or events considered force majeure.

3.5 Financial products

Senhor Cursos does not require deposits or bank transfers for the approval or granting of financial products. Any such request must be considered fraudulent.

3.6 Fraudulent communications

Senhor Cursos does not send emails requesting personal or registration data, nor executable attachments or download links. If the user receives communications of this type, they should contact Senhor Cursos.

Section IV – Conditions of Use and Restrictions

The user must comply with the following conditions of use and restrictions for access and use of its services and content:

  1. Lawful use: Senhor Cursos services must be used for legal purposes and cannot be used to promote illicit activities, such as pornography, violence or hate speech.
  2. Respect for legislation: User must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including local, state, federal, provincial or international laws.
  3. Intellectual property protection: The user must not violate the intellectual property rights of Senhor Cursos or third parties, such as copying or distributing content without authorization.
  4. Responsible behavior: The user must participate in responsible, non-discriminatory, abusive or offensive behavior.
  5. Precise information: The user must disclose accurate and truthful information, avoiding false or misleading information.
  6. Security: The user must not disseminate viruses or malware that could harm the functioning of Senhor Cursos services or other websites.
  7. Privacy: The user must not collect or track personal data from third parties without due consent.
  8. Illegal activities: The user must not practice spam, phishing, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl or scrape, which are illegal or harmful activities.
  9. Obscene purposes: The user must not use Senhor Cursos services for obscene or immoral purposes, such as distributing sexually explicit content or promoting violence.
  10. Technical means: The user must not interfere with or circumvent the security measures of Senhor Cursos services or other websites.

Consequences of violating restrictions: Senhor Cursos may suspend the use of Senhor Cursos services and any associated website if any of these restrictions are violated.

Section V – Limitations of Liability and Warranties

Senhor Cursos offers its services without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or non-infringement. The user acknowledges that the use of Senhor Cursos services may be subject to risks, including the possibility of errors, interruptions and suspension.

The user is solely responsible for any damage or loss arising from the use of Senhor Cursos services. Senhor Cursos, its directors, employees or partners will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, data or other intangible losses.

Where the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages is not permitted, Senhor Cursos' liability will be restricted to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

Section VI – Validity and Deadline

If the user has any complaint related to the use of Senhor Cursos services, he or she must file a judicial or extrajudicial action within 90 days from the date of the event that gave rise to the complaint. The General Terms and Conditions of Use of Senhor Cursos are valid for an indefinite period of time. 

Section VII – Legislation and Election Forum

7.1 The General Terms and Conditions of Use of Senhor Cursos and the Privacy Policy are governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, including the Federal Constitution, the Civil Code, the Consumer Protection Code, the General Law of the Marco Civil da Internet and the General Data Protection Law.

7.2 In the event of any dispute or uncertainty arising from the Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy, the parties agree to submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce of Tallinn, Estonia (The Arbitration Court of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry).

Section VIII – Content and Intellectual Property

The content of Senhor Cursos, including texts, images, videos and other materials, is the property of IndieTech OÜ and its collaborators. This content is protected by copyright and intellectual property regulations.

The reproduction, alteration, distribution, display or creation of derivative works based on Senhor Cursos content without the express authorization of IndieTech OÜ is strictly prohibited.

IndieTech OÜ is not responsible for content generated by third parties, such as comments and posts on forums or social networks. The company is also not responsible for damages arising from the use of the website, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential.

IndieTech OÜ may remove content that violates these conditions, especially those considered illegal, defamatory, offensive or that infringe the rights of third parties. The company may also terminate the accounts of users who fail to comply with these conditions.

Section IX – Modification of Terms and Conditions

The services provided by Senhor Cursos may be modified, or even suspended, at any time. This can happen without prior notice. IndieTech OÜ assumes no liability to users or third parties for such modifications.

Agreeing to these Terms and Conditions is a non-negotiable condition for using the Senhor Cursos website. Users who do not agree with these conditions must refrain from using the website.

Section X – Contact Information

User service: Any user who has suggestions or complaints about the content and services of the Senhor Cursos website should contact the customer service team through the channel