
What is the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate?

Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees have several differences, such as the titles obtained, the order in which they are taken and the topics studied. In this text we will explain everything about this subject to you!


Discover the different types of undergraduate and postgraduate courses here

Mulher vestida com beca comemora graduação
These higher-level courses have differences between them. Source: Freepik.

Do you know the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate? Understanding these teaching modalities perfectly helps you know which is the best option for your career.

There are several titles that a person can obtain upon graduating or postgraduate. In this text we will talk about each of them. 

Technical course: what is it and how does it work?

If you haven't graduated from high school yet, a technical course is a good option. Read this text and check it out!

Therefore, if you have doubts in this area and plan to start your studies, be sure to read the text until the end.

We will help you understand everything about the subject and provide recommendations so that you can make the best choice when starting or continuing your studies.

What is graduation?

Jovem vestido com beca junto de professora
Graduation is the first step if you want to pursue a postgraduate degree in any area. Source: Freepik.

To know the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate you need, first of all, to understand what a degree is.

Firstly, to start a degree, also called a higher education course, you need to have a high school diploma. Only students who have received approval at this stage can begin the process and enter a college.

At the same time, you will need to pass an entrance exam if you wish to graduate from a public institution. Private universities may or may not require this proof.

Finally, we emphasize that the purpose of graduation is to direct the student's studies in a specific area.

Therefore, the courses are more focused than Secondary and Elementary Education, and can prepare someone to work in the job market or become a researcher.

What are the types of degrees?

There are several types of graduation, each with its own characteristics! Therefore, the choice depends on what your objective is, such as teaching or entering the market more quickly.

Check out each of the options below and find out which one is best suited to your planning.


Do you know the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate studies when someone studies a degree?

Bachelor's degree courses seek to train teachers who can teach up to high school. Therefore, some examples in this area are: Biology, History, Mathematics, etc.

bachelor degree

On the other hand, graduating with a bachelor's degree trains professionals to work in the job market. For example: architects, journalists, engineers or even historians and biologists.

Finally, graduating as a technologist is focused on those looking for a quick entry into the market. Therefore, courses in this modality are shorter and with more practical classes. 

Some of the diplomas available are marketing, logistics and management processes.

What is a postgraduate degree?

As you may have deduced from the name, postgraduate study is a stage that comes after completing an undergraduate degree. Therefore, it can deepen studies, provide a complement or even focus on research.

One of the requirements to take a postgraduate course is to have a diploma in any higher education course. Technologist courses are also accepted at this time!

At the same time, to enter a postgraduate course, especially a master's and doctorate, it may also be necessary to go through a selection process. This will have questions specific to the area and may ask for proficiency in a foreign language.

Before knowing the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate studies, get to know each of the types of postgraduate studies that exist.

What are the types of postgraduate courses?

Different types of postgraduate courses can be indicated according to your objectives or level of study. It is also worth remembering that in the case of a doctorate you must complete another postgraduate course first, a master's degree!

Find out more about this subject and find out if any of the options are of interest to you below.


The course can last from 6 months to 2 years and seeks to increase the student's level of knowledge, providing more information in an area and complementing the degree.


This modality aims to train professionals for business administration and management. Therefore, studies address topics in these areas and can last up to 2 years.

Master's degree

The master's degree focuses on research. Therefore, upon graduation, the student must present a dissertation with the results of the experiments he conducted during his years of study.

A person trained in this modality obtains a master's degree and can teach at colleges.

Doctorate degree

Finally, a doctorate can only be pursued by someone who already has a master's degree. This is a modality that also focuses on research and allows you to teach at colleges.

In this case, the student defends a thesis that he developed during his postgraduate studies.

What is the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate?

Alunos comemoram graduação
See the difference between these two modalities here. Source: Freepik.

Once you know each of the existing modalities, it becomes easier to know the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Firstly, we emphasize that the difference is in the order in which the courses are taken. Graduation always comes first and is a requirement for any of the postgraduate courses.

At the same time, there are also differences in the content taught. While undergraduate studies can be more general and have a wider range of topics, postgraduate studies tend to be more focused and in-depth.

The area of activity is also not the same. After all, if you want to work as a professor at a college, you need to complete a postgraduate degree.

Finally, the difference is also present in the titles. It is only possible to be a master or doctor with a postgraduate degree.

If you are looking for more information about Higher Education, read our text below on the topic! We can help you with some tips to prepare you for this new stage in your life!

Higher Education: how does it work?

Find out everything you need about Higher Education here.

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