
Title test: what is it and how does it work in the competition?

The titles test is a qualifying stage in which people with more experience or studies in an area can come out ahead in a public competition. Find out more here.


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Mulher com roupa de graduação pensando
Find out how titles can help you get a place in public competitions. Source: Freepik.

The title test is a stage present in some public competitions. This can be of great help, or end up hindering the candidate during the selection process.

Do you know how this stage works and what it takes to score on it? 

Higher level competition

Find out which vacancies require a degree in a public exam.

In this text, we will provide more information on this topic and help you understand how title tests work.

Therefore, if you are taking public exams and have any questions about this topic, be sure to read our text until the end!

What is proof of titles?

Homem com roupa de graduação
This is a CV evaluation stage. Source: Freepik.

The title test is a qualifying stage present in some public competitions. This aims to ensure that the candidate with the most qualifications obtains the position.

It must be done after the tests and eliminatory stages of the competition. Therefore, it is a stage that earns new points for the candidate, but does not eliminate any competitor who does not have titles.

Finally, the titles accepted and the way this test is carried out may change depending on the competition. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the information contained in the test notice.

How to study for the exam

Our guide can help you prepare for the tests, find out more here.

How does the title test work?

The titles test will yield scores for each of the titles that candidates have. Therefore, it is possible to improve your classification if you have a master's degree, doctorate, production of scientific articles, etc.

At the same time, work in the area for a certain period or even certificates for free courses can also be considered as titles.

Therefore, the qualifications test works as a second assessment carried out after the public competition test. In this case, candidates who have more proven experience or studies in the area do better.

Which competitions require this proof?

Initially, the proof of qualifications was common in public competitions held for the legal area. However, it is also currently used in selection processes for teachers, doctors, magistrates and other professionals.

As the demand for qualified professionals is increasing, the number of public competitions that opt for this selection stage is growing. Therefore, we advise candidates to prepare for this test, no matter what their area is.

What documents are accepted in the test?

The documents accepted in the title test will be described in the notice that lists the rules of the public competition. In each case, different proofs may be accepted.

However, among the standard proofs that are usually requested are diplomas from postgraduate courses. For example: master's degree, doctorate, specialization or MBA. 

At the same time, it may also be necessary to send proof of publications such as books, scientific articles and participation in academic events. In this case, the description of how to obtain the documents will be described in the notice.

Finally, if you need to send a document that proves experience in the area, carefully read the competition rules to know how to send it.

How is the title test carried out?

After completing the first stage of the competition, successful candidates will have their CVs analyzed in a qualifications test. Therefore, you will need to provide proof of your experience or courses.

The rules of the notice will inform you what score each certificate will yield. At the same time, there may be a ceiling on the maximum points that a candidate can earn with their receipts.

Finally, it is important to send the documents within the date stated in the notice and in the correct manner. Therefore, it will be possible to avoid mistakes and not having your titles recognized in this process.

Can this test eliminate a candidate from the competition?

Pessoa fazendo prova
Find out more about how this test works. Source: Freepik.

The title test is of a classificatory nature, in other words, it will yield more points and modify the candidates' scores, but it will not eliminate any of the competitors.

Therefore, people who scored few points in the objective or essay test carried out in the first stage of the competition can get ahead of other candidates if they have many titles.

At the same time, no one will be eliminated if they don't have a score in this stage. It is possible to receive approval with only the grades from the first stage.

So, know what your situation is and make a plan. If you have many titles it is possible not to worry so much about the test, on the other hand, if you don't have them, guarantee your place at this stage.

And if you are having difficulty getting approval in competitions, a good idea might be to use the ladder competition technique! Do you know how this works or what this term means?

Read our text below on the subject to discover the most important information and implement this strategy.

Ladder competition: what is it?

Get to know the technique used by different candidates to have a smoother approval.

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