
Federal Senate competition test: see how to prepare for the contest

Find out the date of the next Federal Senate exam and also find out how to prepare for this exam by reading our article on this subject.


Understand what it takes to be approved in this public exam

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Want to know how to study for upcoming exams? Read the article. Source: Freepik

Do you know how to prepare for a Federal Senate exam? There are some tips that can help you at this time.

The 2022 Federal Senate competition opened vacancies in several positions and in this text we will explain how the selection process took place.


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Federal Senate Competition

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Therefore, continue reading if you want to know more about the previous editions of the event and find out how to prepare for the next ones!

We have created a complete guide that can help you receive approval more easily.

How does the Federal Senate competition test work?

Pessoa responde questões de Prova concurso Senado Federal
Check out details about the stages of this contest. Source: Freepik

The Federal Senate competition test consisted of two stages in its last edition. Firstly, candidates had to answer a test with multiple choice questions.

Then, it was necessary to pass a discursive test, answering two theoretical questions about knowledge related to the position in up to 20 lines.

Finally, the 2022 Federal Senate contest may require more steps. For example, candidates who declare themselves black must go through a hetero-identification process.


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Federal Senate Competition

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If you want to study for this test, visit this website.

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Who can take the Federal Senate exam?

To take the Federal Senate exam and occupy a position in this public body, you must, first of all, be Brazilian or Portuguese.

At the same time, candidates must be up to date with their political, military and electoral obligations.

Finally, candidates must also be over 18 years old, present personal documents and have a higher education diploma depending on the vacancy for which they applied.

When will the next competition for this body be?

The 2022 Federal Senate competition lasts for 2 years after the final results are announced and can be extended for another 2 years.

In other words, a new test for the Federal Senate competition can only take place after January 16, 2025.

What is the syllabus of the test?

The competition test will cover questions in Portuguese, mathematics and logical reasoning, English and specific knowledge such as Constitutional and Administrative Law.

Finally, it is worth remembering that in this competition there is also a discursive test in which topics that are related to the position to which the candidate applied will be addressed.

For example: if you apply for a position as a nurse, the candidate must answer questions about the health sector.

How to register for the contest?

In the last Federal Senate competition, vacancies were allocated to the most diverse specialties. For example: Administration, Nursing and Accounting.

However, the registration process for the competition test was the same for all candidates.

They should access the website of this public body and complete the registration on the appropriate date. You then had to pay a fee of R $73.00.

Finally, it is important to highlight that this event was held by FGV. Therefore, it is possible to keep an eye on the organizing committee's website to find other opportunities.

How to prepare for the test?

Did you enjoy finding out about open positions and want to know how to prepare for the Federal Senate exam? We have prepared some tips that can help you!

Therefore, continue reading to find out which methods to use.

Previous tests

Firstly, we mention one of the most practical ways to prepare for a public exam: studying using previous exams.

With this technique it is possible to know which are the most recurring themes and create a schedule that dedicates time and attention to each of these subjects.

Preparatory courses

Did you know that there are courses for the Federal Senate competition? You can find free and paid options for these classes and study in the easiest way for you.

There are also online and in-person courses. So, do your research to see what options are available to you.

Free stuff

Finally, another advantageous method is to use a free online course! There are several handouts and materials that can help you with this task.

So, be sure to look for material of this type! The high availability on the internet may impress you.


Free Material

Federal Senate Competition

Preparation for next test

There is free study material for this competition! Look here.

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Federal Senate contest or TRT contest: which is better to do?

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Compare different public tender options here! Source: Freepik

You can take advantage of the opportunity to study for other competitions in addition to the Federal Senate exam! For example: the TRT contest.

If you want to know more about this chance and find out how to study, read our complete guide on the topic available below!

We can help you find free material to prepare for this selection process.

TRT Competition

Do you want to know more competitions and know how to study? Read our full article.

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