
BRB competition test: see how to prepare for the competition

The BRB competition took place recently and this is a great opportunity to study for future editions! Find out more about the subject by reading our guide.


Check out the main details on the subject in this article

Mulher estuda para Prova concurso BRB
This could be the best time to study! Source: Freepik

The BRB (Banco de Brasília) competition took place on November 6, 2022. Did you know that this selection process opened 150 clerk vacancies?

Even though the test has already taken place, this is still an opportunity to study and prepare for future competitions!


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BRB Competition

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Do you want to know when the next public exams will take place at this institution and find out how to study?

Therefore, continue reading this article and stay up to date with the main information on this topic.

How does the BRB competition test work?

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Discover the stages of the contest. Source: Freepik

The exam to select candidates for the BRB consists of two distinct phases. Firstly, candidates must answer multiple choice questions in an objective test.

Subsequently, it is necessary to carry out a written assessment that requires the production of a dissertation text. In this you will need to write a text.

Finally, candidates who declared themselves as black, quilombola, disabled, indigenous or low-income need to go through a process to confirm their declaration.


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Who can take the BRB competition test?

There are a series of requirements for a candidate to take the BRB exam. Firstly, you must be Brazilian or Portuguese, over 16 years old and have a high school education.

At the same time, the candidate cannot work or have a connection with the BRB nor be a public servant.

Finally, those interested cannot have any criminal conviction and be up to date with their military and electoral obligations.

When will the next competition for this body be?

This competition has a term of 2 years and can be extended for the same period. In other words, a new selection process can only take place 2 years after the results are announced.

Therefore, there is a possibility that the subsequent evaluation of the BRB selection process will be carried out in February 2025.

What is the syllabus of the test?

Do you want to know what the content of the last test of the BRB competition was to prepare for the next edition?

Therefore, check out our list of topics covered:

  • General knowledge
  • Portuguese
  • Mathematics
  • Use of Technologies in Corporate Environments
  • Corporate Governance and Compliance
  • Innovation
  • Organic Law of the Federal District and Legal Regime for Employees of the Federal District
  • Ethnic, social, historical, geographic, cultural, political and economic reality of the DF
  • District Women's Policy Plan

How to register for the contest?

To register for the BRB competition, candidates must access the competition page and register by providing information online.

Then, it was necessary to pay a fee of R $66.50 to complete this process and guarantee the chance to take the test.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that this competition was organized by the IADES Institute, a little-known organizing committee.

Therefore, keep an eye on its website to check out more future opportunities.

How to prepare for the test?

Do you want to check out some tips to prepare for the BRB exam? Therefore, see our list of tips and recommendations below.

Paid courses

Firstly, it is possible to use paid preparatory courses to prepare for public exams. There are online and in-person options and one may suit you.

However, this option is only viable for those with more financial resources! Therefore, if this is not your case, check out other strategies.

Previous tests

Using previous editions of the BRB competition test to study is one of the best methods of preparing and getting approved.

This way it is possible to learn about the most recurring themes and prepare more assertively for the competition.

Free stuff

Finally, applicants have free educational resources at their disposal to assist them in their study process.

There are a series of handouts and guides available on the internet that are tailor-made to make studying for a particular competition easier!


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BRB Competition

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If you want to study with free material, check out the website below!

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BRB contest or TRT contest: which is better to do?

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Finally, compare two test options. Source: Freepik

The BRB competition test is just one of the opportunities available for those who want to study and prepare for future competitions! 

Therefore, it is possible to explore other opportunities, such as the TRT contest. Want to know more about the subject? So, read our full text below!

We can help you understand the selection process and learn about the topics covered in the test.

TRT Competition

Find out how to study and what the characteristics of this test are.

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