
Formal job proposal: how to evaluate before accepting? 

A formal job proposal must be analyzed taking into account the salary in the area, the candidate's personal objectives and several other points. Find out more here.


Find out how to make sure a proposal is really advantageous

Homem assina contrato
The job proposal is the last step before hiring! Find out more here. Source: Freepik.

After sending resumes, doing interviews and participating in group dynamics, a candidate can receive a formal job offer.

However, do you know how to check if it is really advantageous? There are some points that must be checked before taking up a vacancy. 

Career planning

Creating goals for your career is a way to achieve your goals! Find out more about the topic here!

Therefore, in this text we will help you understand when it is worth accepting one of these proposals.

Continue reading to check out our tips and recommendations on the subject. We can help you not to accept vacancies that could harm you.

What is a formal job offer?

Candidato aperta mão de recrutador
Find out everything about this stage of the selection process. Source: Freepik.

The formal job offer is made to the candidate approved in a company's selection process.

Therefore, this is the last step before filling a vacancy. This can take place in person, or via email.

This is the moment when final details are agreed between employer and employee. For example: hours, salary, etc.

Job interview

Check out our tips to prepare for this stage of the selection process.

What to evaluate in a job proposal?

Do you want to know what to evaluate in a formal job proposal?

We have prepared a guide that can help you check the most important information about the position before taking up the position.

Therefore, check out some tips that can help you in this process.

Company's financial health

Firstly, it is important to know the company's financial health.

In other words, check how this company is paying its bills.

Therefore, a candidate can, before accepting a formal job offer, ask local employees if they have ever faced problems such as delayed wages.

At the same time, we also recommend that you search for news about the company's finances.

Organizational culture

Do you know what organizational culture is? This is the set of values and ideals of a company, that is, what guides the decisions of this place.

Therefore, it is important to know details about this feature.

This way, it is possible to find out how employees are treated and whether the company supports a cause.

Finally, know that there are companies that have environmental or affirmation projects for minorities.

These may be some indications that this is a good place to work.

Benefits and compensation package

The formal employment proposal must also present data such as the salary that the employee will receive and the benefits that will accompany it.

At this point, a candidate can do some research and see if the values are compatible with the rest of the market.

Finally, don't forget that it is possible to negotiate at this time.

Therefore, if you do not want to refuse the proposal, you can ask for a higher salary or more benefits by comparing data from other companies.

Job responsibilities and functions

When receiving a formal job offer, the candidate will also know what functions and activities he or she will have to perform in the position.

Agreeing to these terms is as important as agreeing to the salary offered.

Just think that the accumulation of functions can harm your work every day.

Therefore, we recommend that you try to clarify all the details and functions of the position.

At the same time, rest assured that you will not be overwhelmed.

Leader's leadership style

Knowing details about the company's leadership helps you know how all activities are carried out in this company!

Our tip on this subject is that, when you receive the formal job offer, ask questions about the company's leadership style and organizational structure.

Finally, the candidate can reflect on whether he will adapt to the way the directors lead the company.

For example, whether or not you prefer more freedom in your activities.

Family and financial context 

However, it is not just company issues that can make a candidate accept or decline a formal job offer. 

Factors such as family and financial context can influence this moment and help you make the decision.

It is important for a candidate to analyze the level of urgency to return to the job market. 

Finally, other issues such as family planning, the need to change cities, etc. must also be considered.

Expectations and career outlook

Finally, remember that a formal job offer must also be advantageous for your personal career plans.

Therefore, it is a good choice to analyze whether this company really is aligned with your objectives.

You can also ask questions like: Will I find opportunities for growth in this workplace? 

How to reject the proposal?

If you realize that the formal job offer is not the best choice for your career, you will need to decline this one.

However, it is important to reject the proposal so that the recruiter understands your reasons and the company can continue to be a job option in the future.

Therefore, we recommend that a candidate makes it clear what reasons made them choose not to occupy the position.

It is important to be honest and try not to offend company employees.

How to accept a formal job offer?

Mulher analisa Proposta de emprego formal
Find out the latest details of this journey. Source: Freepik.

On the other hand, if the formal job offer matches what you want, you can accept it.

If necessary, it is also possible to negotiate small changes. For example: salary amount or entry and exit times at work.

In this case, it is possible that not all requirements are always met.

Finally, thank them for the opportunity and ask for more details, such as when the work will begin.

And if you are in doubt whether or not to accept a proposal, knowing how to carry out a salary survey to find out if payments are within the average for the area could be interesting.

We made a guide on the subject that can help you discover how to conduct this research. Check out the material below.

Salary survey

In this text we help you know whether the salary offered is in line with the market average.

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