
Professions: how to choose the right occupation for you

Do you know what professions are currently hiring? Check out our guide with indications of areas that offer good jobs.


Check out different job opportunities in this guide

Homem trabalha em fábrica
Find out what the main opportunities in the market are. Source: Freepik

If you have faced a layoff, or have just finished your studies, you must be confused between the different opportunities in various professions.

At this time, you need to know what the requirements, activities and positive points of each one are to make the best choice.

Rappi delivery man

Find more job opportunities in this article.

In this article we have created a guide on this subject! So, keep reading if you want to know more details about different activities.

We can help you find the best job for your profile and discover how to apply for available vacancies.

Why is it important to choose the right profession?

Mulher trabalha em escritório
It's important to do your research before you start looking for jobs. Source: Freepik

A person should be careful when choosing between different professions. Therefore, it is possible not to end up in a job that is disadvantageous or harmful.

At the same time, researching different areas of work also helps you to know what requirements are needed for the desired position. This way, you can prepare for the application.

Delivery man Mercado Livre

Find out how to work as a delivery person by reading this text.

What are the main professions to work in?

We have prepared a list of a series of professions that could be good choices! These do not require many requirements and have positive points that can attract a person!

So, continue reading and find out the main characteristics of these jobs! 


First of all, we mention the position of receptionist in our list of professions. This position is dedicated to a professional who receives clients and helps them locate themselves in a company.

For this position, only a high school education is required to work in the area.

Receptionist Jobs

Find out how to work in the area by reading our guide.

Administrative Assistant

On the other hand, an administrative assistant is someone who provides help with various functions in an office. For example: preparing spreadsheets and typing documents.

If you want to work in this position, you need to have basic computer skills.

Administrative assistant jobs

Check out the opportunities that await you.


One of the positive points of being a warehouseman is the fact that this is one of the most sought after professions on the market.

Therefore, there will always be companies looking for professionals to work in their warehouses.

warehouse jobs

Discover opportunities near you.

Production assistant

The production assistant is the professional who provides assistance in various activities on the “factory floor”. Therefore, to work in this position you only need to have completed high school.

Production assistant jobs

Find out how to work in industries close to your home.


All businesses need cashiers! Therefore, this is one of the professions that is constantly looking for new employees and creating a high number of job openings.

Cashier jobs

Our guide can help you get back into the job market quickly.


A clerk is a professional who serves customers in a store and helps them find the right products for their needs.

They can work in pharmacies, electronics stores, etc., with only a high school diploma required.

clerk jobs

If you want to work in this area, read our article.


With a little experience in the field, a person can now work as a painter. Therefore, if you are looking for quick entry professions, this could be a good option.

vagas de pintor

Painter Jobs

Find out where to start in our guide.


The janitor is responsible for the care, cleaning and maintenance of an environment. Therefore, this professional works in different environments.

As an example of the area of activity are buildings and companies, and you will find several job opportunities.

Janitor Jobs

There are several open opportunities in this area.


Stores in the most diverse sectors need salespeople, this is one of the professions with the highest demand for employees. So, if you want to get back to work quickly, this is an opportunity.

salesperson jobs

Find out how to work in this role.


The welder works with the manufacture and cutting of metal sheets. In some vacancies it may be necessary to have a technical course in the area to work in this role. Therefore, pay attention to the vacancy requirements.

welder jobs

Small summary of the recommended post.


The position of carpenter can be carried out independently or by people hired by a company. This professional works with wood and can make furniture and utensils from this material.

Joiner jobs

Find out how to fill vacancies in the area.

Machine operator

This is another example of professions that only require a high school education from their candidates. Upon completing this phase of studies, a machine operator can apply for the position. Thus, later working with the most diverse machines in a company.

Machine Operator Jobs

Find out what opportunities are in the area.

forklift operator

A forklift operator works in the warehouse of different environments, for example, companies, supermarkets or even stores.

In general, the company that hires this professional provides training courses and only requires high school education.

Forklift Operator Jobs

Discover opportunities in the area.


If you have communication skills and have already finished high school, you can work as a doorman. This professional controls the entry of people into a location and can find several vacancies open at the moment.

Doorman jobs

Check out how to send your CV by reading our guide.


Like other professions described above, the packer works in the stock of companies or stores. This is responsible for packaging and controlling the products in this area.

Packer Jobs

Find out details about this function.


To work as a bricklayer you only need to have completed high school. Therefore, this is a good opportunity for those who have finished studying and want to find a first job quickly.

Bricklayer jobs

Discover various opportunities in the area.


Finally, we mention the position of mechanic. In this profession it may be necessary to have a technical course in the area to fill the vacancies. Therefore, analyze the vacancy requirements before applying.

mechanic jobs

If you want to work in the area, check out our tips on the subject.

How to choose the right occupation for you?

Homem trabalha em fábrica
Our tips can help you right now. Source: Freepik

To choose the best among the professions, we recommend that you analyze your personal characteristics.

For example: if you find it easy to communicate with other people, you can choose a position where there is contact with the public.

On the other hand, if you have more physical strength and motor skills, it is possible to find other professions that focus on this factor.

And don't forget, these are just some of the vacancies open right now! On our website you will find several other options, for example, the position of iFood delivery person.

Continue reading if you want to know more about the requirements for this position.

iFood delivery driver vacancies

Find out what it takes to fill this position.

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