
Balance your professional and personal life: check out the tips!

To balance the professional and personal, it is necessary to set priorities and pay attention not to repeat patterns that are harmful! Find out more by reading our full article.


You need to pay attention to these two dimensions of your life. know how

Homem sobrecarregado em trabalho
Know the dangers of stress and overwork. Source: Freepik.

Have you ever heard of problems like burnout, anxiety attacks or depression? These are some of the harms that can arise when your professional and personal life are not balanced.

It is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms that indicate the need to change daily habits to avoid these and other problems.

Career Planning

Learn how to set real goals for your career and avoid problems like overload

That's why we created this text that can help you discover the best ways to pursue your career and your free time.

If you want to know more, read the text below and check out all our tips on this topic.

Why is it important to balance professional and personal life?

Mulher sobrecarregada trabalhando em casa
Burnout and stress can harm your career and relationships. Source: Freepik.

People who cannot balance their professional and personal lives can face several problems.

For example: a lack of time or organization can force many employees to take work home.

Therefore, rest is compromised and many health problems can arise.

Finally, the lack of free time, leisure and work overload can bring illness, physical and mental exhaustion and even harm relationships with friends and family!


Discover the benefits of a contact network and find out how it can help your career

How to balance professional and personal aspects?

Balancing the professional and personal sides of your life is possible with a little discipline and attention to detail!

Therefore, we created a list of some activities that can help you with this task.

So, keep reading to check out our tips and discover how to apply them in your life.

Define your goals and priorities

Setting goals helps you to be more successful professionally and know exactly where you want to go.

At the same time, these goals can help you achieve your dreams and have the career you want.

However, it is also necessary to set priorities. In other words, know your limits and define when it is no longer worth going further, whether to avoid damaging your physical or mental health.

For example: to balance your professional and personal life, you can set your own health as a priority, or even spend time with your family every week.

Plan your day to day

Setting a routine and planning schedules can help you balance your professional and personal life.

This habit allows a person not to be overwhelmed by work.

Therefore, plan the activities that will occur in your daily life and set realistic deadlines, that is, deadlines that can be met without compromising your free time.

Finally, in unforeseen circumstances it is possible to give up leisure time.

However, defining a plan is intended to ensure that this action is not frequent.

Practice time organization

Then, try to put into practice your day-to-day planning and the routine you created to balance your professional and personal life.

At first it can be difficult. However, practice tends to make organization increasingly easier, allowing you to have more rest periods.

Finally, remember to organize your time taking into account non-work related activities. For example: meetings with a friend or outings for personal fun.

Disconnect when necessary

Currently, many customers or employees tend to send messages to employees during off-hours.

This practice can disrupt the division between professional and personal life.

Therefore, if you feel the need, try to disconnect from your cell phone after work hours.

It is also an option to have social networks and a phone number just for professional matters. This way, your free time will be guaranteed tranquility.

Get a check-up to take care of your health

Performance in the workplace is also hampered by health problems and exhaustion.

Therefore, having a check-up is advantageous for your professional and personal life.

We recommend that you use your free time to check your health at medical appointments.

At the same time, try to perform physical activities and eat well. These practices prevent future problems and help you work and live better.

Share responsibilities

If you are overworked, need to take work home every day and have no time to rest, it is likely that you will need to share some of your tasks with someone else.

Therefore, try to share day-to-day responsibilities and tasks with other company employees.

Finally, it is also possible to ask for help from family members and delegate household tasks to partners or children.

Set aside time for leisure

As stated earlier in this text, your timetable organization must take leisure time into account.

Therefore, your professional and personal life will be in balance.

If your workload does not include the weekend, take these days off for your own well-being.

If possible, turn off your cell phone and avoid contact with professional matters during this time.

This way you will be able to stay focused on your personal life.

Avoid toxic people and environments

Burnout, anxiety and other problems caused by overwork happen mainly in toxic environments.

Therefore, try to avoid contact with people and places that can cause you stress. 

Factors such as excessive demands and pessimism are some examples of the most common toxic attitudes in the corporate world.

Invest in new learning

Finally, you can focus on learning new skills to balance your professional and personal life.

However, in this case we are talking about hobbies, not activities that prioritize the job market or professional growth.

Therefore, it is possible to look for courses on activities that you have always wanted to know about. For example: dancing, musical instruments or even physical activities.

How can I seek support to maintain this balance?

Mulher conversa com psicóloga para equilibrar vida profissional e pessoal
Support can come from family, work friends or even professionals. Source: Freepik.

To balance professional and personal life, it is necessary to count on help from co-workers and family members.

Therefore, try to share your concerns or problems you are facing! Remember that you are not alone.

Finally, psychological help can be a good choice at this time.

This professional can help you understand how to better draw the boundaries of these two areas of your life.

And if you believe you are having problems in your career, such as working in a place you don't want to, read our text on mentoring and find out how to seek help to achieve your goals!

The material below can give you tips on professionals who can help you achieve your goals without harming your health.

Career mentoring

Find out more about this practice that can help you achieve your goals

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