
Selection process: what is it and what are its stages?

A selection process begins with sending resumes and ends with hiring a candidate. Read our text to find out how to prepare for each of the stages.


Understand the way companies traditionally hire their employees

Pessoas conversam em processo seletivo
The interview is just one of the stages of the selection process, find out more. Source: Freepik.

Have you ever gone through any selection process in your career? This moment can generate a lot of fear and concern in those looking for a job.

However, by carefully knowing the steps and understanding how the process works, it is possible to be a little calmer and learn what it takes to do well in a candidate selection process.

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Therefore, we have prepared this text that can help you find out more about this subject. This way, you may have a better chance of being approved in more selection processes, as you will have enough knowledge to create efficient strategies.

Continue reading and check out our tips and recommendations on the topic.

What is the selection process?

Aperto de mãos
If you have never participated in a process, check out the information now. Source: Freepik.

Selection process is the name given to all the testing stages, dynamics and tests that a company carries out with its candidates. The objective of these is to choose who will be recruited as a new member of the corporation's team.

Therefore, immediately after sending the CV for a vacancy, the individual is already participating in a selection process. Those who pass all stages will finally be able to work at the company.

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What are the steps in this process?

Do you want to know what the possible stages of a selection process are and check out some recommendations to do well in them? We have prepared a guide that can help you! Just continue reading this text and find out more.

Vacancy planning

Vacancy planning is a stage of the selection process developed entirely by the company. At this time, candidates are not yet aware that a new position will be opened.

During planning, the company's team dedicates itself to thinking about the profile and attributes desired in the employee they are going to hire. At the same time, there are also efforts to decide how the vacancy will be advertised and by what means the screening will take place.

Therefore, vacancy planning concerns all previous decisions that must be made before advertising.

Advertising the vacancy

The company then advertises the vacancy. This can be done through platforms that advertise job opportunities. For example: Gupy, Indeed or even the social network LinkedIn.

Candidates must pay attention and search these sites to find vacancies that match their profile. It is important to know the means of advertising to know where to look for a job.

Finally, don't forget that vacancies can also be advertised outside the online environment. Therefore, looking for advertisements in newspapers and other printed media is also an opportunity.

CV screening

If during the vacancy planning the selection team listed a series of characteristics desired in a candidate, the screening, in turn, consists precisely of looking for these in the CVs.

In general, recruiters are dedicated to checking the CVs received at this stage of the selection process and looking for those that best suit them. This way, only those most aligned with the vacancy can move on to the next phase.

Therefore, when sending your CV, pay attention to the job description and try to add some terms that will attract attention during screening.

Call for candidates

The call is a feedback stage in the selection process. Therefore, those who had their resume selected will be called to the next phase. On the other hand, those who are rejected tend to receive a message thanking them for sending.

At this point, it's worth highlighting the need to add contact details to your resume. Therefore, do not forget to provide a telephone number or email, always paying attention to what is requested in the job description.

Finally, pay attention to calls and answer the questions asked by the recruiter at this stage. He may ask you about free time and salary expectations.

Test application 

The next stage of the selection process is the application of tests. In this case, evaluators will request some activities that are linked to the company's day-to-day activities, this way they will be able to know if the candidate is ready to perform the role.

Tests can be taken in person or online. The company will determine the best way to measure the quality of its candidates' work.

This is the most decisive stage of the selection! So, take the tests calmly and be sure to demonstrate your full potential! This way, it will be possible to delight recruiters.

Interview with HR

The main objective of this stage of the selection process is to get to know the candidates and discover which profile is best aligned with the company. Therefore, the interview can be done in the form of a conversation.

In general, few of those registered make it to this stage! Having an interview with HR means that you can now carry out the company's day-to-day work, however, they still need to know whether you will adapt to the culture.

The candidate must show naturalness and try not to be shy. Finally, try to appear available and in agreement with the company's values and beliefs.

Interview with area manager

Some companies may want to carry out one more interview, in this case with the manager of the area in which the vacancy is open. It is important to highlight that not all selection processes have this step.

The manager can ask specific questions related to their area of expertise and knowledge that will be tested in the company's day-to-day operations.

Therefore, for the candidate this is the time to prove their mastery in an area. You need to not be anxious about the situation and demonstrate your full potential.


Finally, the selection process may also have a negotiation stage. At this point, the last details will be agreed and the ways in which the work will take place will be defined.

For example: in a negotiation, the topics discussed may involve the value of salaries, working hours, benefits received, etc.

Our recommendation is that the candidate be honest at this stage. However, it is also important to be realistic, so do not ask for a salary that is far above the average for your position.


If approved in all these phases of the selection process, the candidate will finally be hired.

Hiring involves the bureaucratic part of this process. Therefore, documents such as work card, ID, among others, may be requested.

In some cases, it will be necessary to open MEI and deal with the obligations of being an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, check how the company wants to hire new employees.

How to participate in a selection process?

Entrevista de emprego
Know where to start. Source: Freepik.

As you may have already noticed from our list, to participate in a selection process it is necessary to send a CV for an open position! Therefore, it is important to know the advertising platforms.

Check out our text about Catho and take this website as an example! We have created a complete guide that can help you understand what it takes to apply.

So, check out the recommended content below to learn more.

How to register with Catho?

Discover a job posting platform that can help you find your next job

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