
Career planning: what is it and how to do it?

With career planning, it becomes easier to determine personal objectives and goals. In this text we help you determine a plan for your professional life. Check out!


Defining your desired position is important to start defining your goals

Homem criando gráficos de crescimento
Find out how to prepare and plan your career. Source: Freepik.

Career planning is a way to stay focused and set goals to achieve your goals. But do you know where to start and how to achieve concrete goals?

The path to achieving your dream role can take time. However, with the right plan it is easier to achieve your goal.

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In this text we will talk about this topic and help you with this task by providing some simple recommendations.

Therefore, don't forget to read the article until the end so you don't miss any important points! 

What is career planning?

Profissionais em um desenho de gráfico subindo
Practice can help you achieve your goals. Source: Freepik.

Career planning is the act of defining your professional goals, desired positions, the time in which you want to achieve these goals and other objectives. This can be personal, made by the professional or defined by the company.

Planning your career helps professionals not to waste time and energy on activities that may not benefit them. At the same time, this practice ensures that someone has control over their professional performance and checks whether the goals set are being met within the deadlines.

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How does career planning work?

Career planning works by setting goals that take into account what is most important to a person. 

So, think about what you understand by success. Some options are to have a good standard of living or reach an important position in an area.

At the same time, the answer can also be: perform a role with extreme competence, have stability or dedicate yourself to a cause.

Your idea of success, also called an anchor, helps you set goals. For example: anyone looking for stability can create a career plan to become a public servant. On the other hand, anyone who wants a management position must create other goals.

Is it worth making a career plan?

Are you wondering if career planning is the best option for you? We recommend that you check out some of the positives and negatives of the practice so that you can choose more carefully.


The main advantages of the career plan can be seen below.

  • Concrete goals can be achieved more easily;
  • It is possible to evaluate your progress;
  • The person has self-knowledge and knows where they want to go;
  • Greater chance of success;
  • Avoid distractions;
  • Avoid wasting energy on unnecessary projects.


The disadvantages can be seen below.

  • You need to maintain focus and attention;
  • Limits the worker’s freedom and expression;
  • It can create pressure on a person;
  • You can invest a lot of time and dedication.

Who can make a career plan?

Sometimes, a company defines a career plan for its employee. However, this may not be in line with a person's individual plans.

Therefore, if you have not received any direction from the company or decide that the path they have outlined is not suitable for you, you can create your own plan.

We recommend that professionals looking for growth draw up their career plans on their own. Therefore, anyone can create this document taking into account their own wishes.

How to make career planning?

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See our recommendations to make your planning. Source: Freepik.

To plan your career, you can follow our recommendations below. We have prepared a guide to help you organize the most important factors in this process.

Analyze your professional profile

Firstly, it is important to find out what your profile is. As stated earlier in this text, defining objectives and anchors helps you understand your vision of success and determine where you want to go.

Therefore, analyze your profile and understand how you perform in the job market. Take the opportunity to find what motivates you.

Research the job market

Based on your personal objectives defined in the previous topic, do some research and find the vacancies that are most related to your profile.

During career planning, don't worry about finding jobs to apply for. Search for options you would like to achieve in the future! This way it will be possible to find out more about the requirements and draw up a plan to achieve this position.

Finally, don't forget to check out the trending professions. These can be good choices for those who want to be employed quickly or seek high financial returns.

Define professional goals

Your professional goals should be like steps on a ladder that take you to the position or final objective of your career planning. 

Therefore, think about the positions you will pass before reaching the end of the journey and also the study necessary to get where you want.

Make the development action plan

The action plan consists of transforming your objectives into goals. These must have a deadline and be measurable.

In other words, instead of defining that you want to “be a manager” say that you want to “receive a promotion by the end of the year”. 

Also worry about identifying what is needed to achieve these objectives and define when you will start.

Invest in personal marketing

Making others notice your achievements is just as important as your growth!

Therefore, demonstrate how you are improving and always improving! One option is to use platforms like LinkedIn.


Cultivating a network of contacts within the area you want to work in can help you achieve your goals!

However, remember that no one likes to be approached only in times of need.

Therefore, create concrete bonds with people who can help you!

Find the best job openings

Once you have decided what really matters in your career planning, it will be easier to find job openings that are in line with your goals.

Therefore, do extensive research using job sites and platforms.

Create a good CV

A good resume is direct and focuses on what recruiters are looking for when advertising the vacancy. Therefore, try to provide the most relevant information that differentiates you from other candidates.

Prepare for the job interview

Finally, during the interview, avoid showing nervousness and maintain a calm appearance. At the same time, it is ideal to dress according to the company's dress code to make a good impression!

If possible, prepare in advance for the questions that may be asked during the interview.

On the other hand, if you want to enrich your CV and better prepare yourself for your professional future. Access our recommended content below and see what a professional course is.

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