How do I send a CV to C&A?
Find out how to send your resume to C&A and participate in the selection process for one of the many open positions.
Marisa vacancies: how to check the options?
Do you want to check out all the Marisa vacancies open at the moment? We have prepared a guide that helps you with this task, find out more here.
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How to send resume to Marisa?
In this text, we'll help you understand how to send your resume to Marisa and find out what the requirements are to fill a vacancy.
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Descomplica free courses: discover the options
Descomplica's free courses can help you learn more about hot areas in the job market, find out more here.
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Descomplica Courses: see how to sign up
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Find out how to send a resume to Pão de Açúcar and what it takes to work at the company in our complete guide on this subject.
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