
Where to put courses on the resume? Check out the answer here!

Stand out in your job search and discover how to improve your CV with relevant courses. With our comprehensive guide, you'll know exactly where to place each course to stand out from the crowd of applicants.


Discover how to boost your CV with courses and land the job of your dreams

Mulher segura currículo
Some tips can help you improve your CV, check them out. Source: Freepik

A good CV can be the difference that will help you land the job you’ve been dreaming of. However, do you know how to organize this document and where to place courses on the resume?

It is crucial to have all the information in order on your CV to attract the attention of recruiters.

Online CV

Find out more about virtual curriculum modalities.

Therefore, in this guide we will help you discover once and for all how to organize information.

Keep reading if you want to know how to attract the attention of the HR team and win more job interviews.

Is it important to include courses in the curriculum?

Homem segura currículo
Find out why the courses are valued. Source: Freepik

Yes, including courses and knowing where to put courses on your resume is important and can help you secure a job interview.

Having this information available in the document helps recruiters understand your specific skills and complementary training.

At the same time, having free courses mentioned also allows you to demonstrate interest in the area of work and commitment to always continue training.

Finally, these can also bring more credibility and confidence to your resume.

However, there is no point in adding extra courses without any planning! Want to know more about the topic? So, continue reading.

Simple CV

Find out the structure of this curriculum in our guide on the topic.

What are the advantages of putting courses on your CV?

Before knowing where to place courses on your resume, check out some of the advantages of listing this information in the document:

  • Show specific skills and knowledge: Including courses relevant to the position you are applying for can demonstrate specific skills and knowledge that make you more qualified for the job;
  • Demonstrate interest and commitment: Including relevant courses on your CV can show that you are interested in learning and improving your skills;
  • Increase your chances of being selected: If your courses fit with the skills and knowledge required for the position, you may have a better chance of being selected for an interview;
  • Differentiate yourself from other candidates: If you have courses that other candidates do not have, you can stand out and be considered a more attractive choice for the position.

What types of courses can be inserted in the document?

As stated earlier in this text, the courses that must be listed vary according to the vacancy. In this topic we will help you choose which information to highlight.

Postgraduate courses

Have you completed any postgraduate degree that is related to the position you are applying for? In this case, it is worth mentioning the information in the CV.

Finally, if you are wondering where to put courses on your resume, know that postgraduate courses should be placed next to degrees in “Academic training”.

Undergraduate courses

Undergraduate courses should always count on a CV, especially if they are related to the vacancy for which you are applying.

Remember to create a specific topic for these with the name “Academic training”.

Technical courses

Technical courses must mention whether they were taken in conjunction with high school or independently.

These can be very attractive if you are applying for a technical position.

Free courses

Free courses are short-term complementary training carried out without the supervision of the MEC.

These must be present when they refer to skills that can help you work in that position or have a connection with the area of activity.

Language courses

If the vacancy requires fluency in foreign languages and you have already taken a course in this area, do not leave this information out.

At the same time, language courses can also be included as a differentiator, even if they are not requested in the job description.

Complementary courses

Finally, complementary courses are also welcome, as long as they have some connection with the vacancy in question or can attract the recruiter's attention.

Therefore, evaluate whether your CV contains appropriate courses for the position you are applying for before each submission.

Where to put courses on the resume?

Want to know where to put courses on your resume? The answer varies depending on the type of course in question.

Therefore, technical courses, undergraduate and postgraduate courses must be present in the topic “Academic Training”. These are classes recognized by the MEC and have diplomas, in addition to earning titles for graduates.

On the other hand, the other types of courses must be present in another topic, “Additional training”.

How should courses be described on the CV?

The three most important pieces of information that cannot be missing from a course description are: name, completion date and institution responsible for the classes.

At the same time, if the course has a long workload, it is possible to highlight this information by citing the number of months or hours of study.

What are some tips for highlighting courses on your resume?

Mulher pensa Onde colocar cursos no currículo
Finally, check out our recommendations. Source: Freepik

After learning where to place courses on your resume, it is important to know how to use them to attract recruiters' attention.

First, read the job description and find the skills that are most important for the position.

Then, list the courses you took that are related to these skills, using keywords that may attract the recruiter.

Finally, if possible, use graphic elements such as bold or italics to draw attention to that part of the resume.

And if you are successful in this step, the next one will be the job interview! Therefore, read our article on the topic to find out how to prepare for this important phase of a selection process.

Job interview

Our tips can help you prepare for this stage.

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