
What is video resume and how to make yours?

Our guide will help you make a quality video resume without making any mistakes! If you have any questions about this topic, read the article until the end.


Make a good video and have a better chance of getting a job

Mulher grava seu vídeo currículo
Find out how not to make mistakes with this material. Source: Unsplash.

After all, what is a video resume? It is increasingly requested by companies when hiring. There are even job advertising platforms that allow you to attach a file of this type.

However, do you know what it takes to create a good video? Or do you know about practices that are not well regarded?

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In this article we will help you understand what cannot be missing from a CV in video form and how to make a good impression.

So, if you have any questions about this subject, be sure to read the text until the end!

What is a video resume?

Homem em estúdio de gravação em casa
Find out the definition of this type of increasingly used piece. Source: Unsplash.

The video resume, as the name suggests, is a video file in which the candidate talks about their personal data, experiences and training. This can be requested by several companies when applying.

The possibilities for a video of this type are enormous. Therefore, many candidates do not know where to start, what topics to cover or even how to dress and what type of editing to do.

Our guide will help you by answering these questions, but first, find out how the video resume works and what its role is in the hiring process.

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How does the video resume work?

Firstly, we need to emphasize that the video CV does not exclude other stages of the selection process. Therefore, even if you create this material you may still need to send a text CV or participate in an interview.

It is worth remembering that the way a selection process will be carried out is determined by the company. Therefore, the steps are chosen by the recruiter and the HR team.

The main purpose of the video, in this case, is to make it possible for the recruiter to get closer to the person who is trying to get the job. Therefore, it is easier to get to know the candidate, check how they speak, present themselves and converse even before an interview.

Therefore, video resume can make the process smarter and faster for recruiters.

When to send a video resume?

The candidate must send a video CV when the company they are applying to asks for this type of material. Otherwise, prefer the traditional text format.

Remember that if a written document is requested and the candidate sends a video, the company may perceive this act as a lack of attention when reading the job description!

There are specific stages of the selection process in which video CVs can be requested. Therefore, it is important to have material ready and available to be used at this time.

Finally, another possibility is to provide a link to your video CV in the text material. Therefore, if the recruiter is interested, it will be possible to check this file.

Is this video worth making?

Find out the positives and negatives of making a video resume! We have prepared a list to show you what these are and help you understand more about the subject easily.


Firstly, among the advantages we can mention:

  • Having this material helps you to be prepared when a company asks for it;
  • It allows you to be more spontaneous when talking about your qualities and experiences;
  • It is possible to present yourself better to recruiters;
  • Opens up new application possibilities.


On the other hand, among the negative points of the video resume we can mention:

  • Shy people may not feel comfortable creating this material;
  • It is possible to make mistakes in the tone of your speeches or be too informal;
  • Some may not have video recording and editing skills making the process difficult.

How to make a video resume?

Is the company you sent your application to asking for a video resume? So, you need to know what cannot be missed and what are the best practices for this material.

We have prepared a guide that can help you with this process! Read carefully and discover how to create your own video.

Prepare the environment

First, prepare a suitable environment for your video resume. It is important that the place has no external noise and has lighting that favors you.

Therefore, give preference to environments where the light is in front of you. At the same time, neutral backgrounds or white walls are also a good choice to make the space more professional.

Create the video script

Then, create a script about the topics you will cover in your video. One suggestion is to briefly describe the most notable points of your professional and academic career.

However, it is important that the candidate does not read or appear to be reading the video resume! Try to be as natural as possible and memorize your lines before you start recording.

Define clothes and tone of voice

Even before you start recording, choose your clothes and tone of voice. Will you be more formal or informal in this presentation? Is it possible to be relaxed or is it better to remain serious?

The position and company the candidate is applying to must be analyzed to answer all these questions.

Give a presentation

At the beginning of the video resume, it is important to make a quick presentation. At the same time, it should capture the recruiter's attention and convince him to watch the rest of the video.

Therefore, a good option is to talk about your professional objective, try to connect this in some way with the company and the description of the position you are applying for.

Explain your experiences and training

Then, talk about your professional experiences and academic background. Only mention those that are linked to the vacancy or can be differentiating to make you a more attractive candidate.

Finally, it is important that the video resume is not too long. Therefore, do not take more than 3 minutes to provide all the information.

Talk about the company and the position

Don't forget to show interest in the company and the position in your video. Therefore, show yourself aligned with the values and make the recruiter realize that you did research about the company.

This could be the difference in your video resume that will help you have a better chance of securing the position compared to other candidates.

What to avoid in this type of video?

Mulher em frente a ring light
Finally, learn about the most common mistakes in a video resume Source: Pexels.

The video resume opens up new spaces for the candidate to make mistakes! It is possible to present yourself in inappropriate clothes, make mistakes in pronunciation or even have poor quality in your video.

Therefore, when recording this material it is important to pay extra attention to some points! Check out our list and check if all of these are avoided in your video:

  • Avoid clothes that do not match the company's standards;
  • Avoid sending materials with poor quality video and audio;
  • Avoid Portuguese and pronunciation mistakes.

Finally, if you want to know more about how to produce good CVs, be sure to read our text on this subject below. We can help you create a good impression with recruiters.

Mulher segurando currículo

How to make a resume

Find out here how to charm recruiters with your resume.

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