
Uber driver: how to register?

Registering to become an Uber driver is easy and can be done through the app created for the platform's employees. Check out more information in this text to avoid making mistakes when registering.


Check out some important information before registering on the platform

Celular com app Uber aberto em cima de um mapa.
Registration can be done quickly via cell phone. Source: Adobe stock.

To register as an Uber driver, you can use the app called “Uber – driver” or create your account through the official website.

If you want more important information, read our text. Here we present the prerequisites and other information that can help you know if this profession is really ideal for you.



Uber Driver

Extra income Good earnings

Register to earn extra income and other benefits.

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Are you interested? Just read the content until the end so you don't miss any important information.

What are the prerequisites to become an Uber driver?

Firstly, you need to have your own driving license with the possibility of carrying out paid work – EAR. At the same time, it is also important to have your car documentation up to date.

To become an Uber driver, your car must be made at most 10 years old, have 4 doors and air conditioning. Also check the accepted vehicles on the platform's website.

But if your car doesn't meet the requirements, don't worry! It is possible to rent a vehicle with one of Uber's partners.

How to register on the platform?

To register, download the “Uber – Driver” app and begin the process of sending documents.

Photos must be taken from original documents and must be well framed to be accepted.

Then, just finish filling out the form and wait for the platform to respond.

What is the average salary of an Uber driver?

According to the platform itself, an Uber driver who works 50 hours a week receives around R$ 1,700.00 per week.

However, earnings may depend on the number of races, the city where you work and the time available to work.

Uber driver or 99 driver: which is better for work?

Celular com a tela de instalação do app Uber
Compare and choose the best option. Source: Adobe stock.

Would you like to make a comparison to find out whether it is more worth being an Uber driver or a 99 driver?

Therefore, read our recommended text below about this other platform and check which one is most advantageous for your reality.

Logo 99

99 Driver: how to register?

See here how to register with 99 to obtain good monthly earnings.

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