
Study methods for competitions: 10 foolproof options

Did you know that there are methods that can help you pass public exams more easily? Check out 10 of them here!


Check out tips to ensure your approval in this post

Menina usa um dos métodos de estudo para concursos
If you want to check out infallible tips for your approval, continue reading. Source: Freepik.

The long-awaited approval doesn’t have to be difficult. Using one of the study methods for competitions you can get your place.

However, do you know what these techniques are and the right way to put them into practice?

What is a public tender?

Understand all the details about a contest before you start studying!

In this text we will help you learn more about the subject and provide tips that can help you study more advantageously.

Therefore, continue reading until the end so you don't miss any important information!

Why is it important to use study methods for competitions?

Casal estuda com livros
Know the importance of a good study process. Source: Freepik.

Studying in a disorganized way can hinder your goal of being approved for a public position.

At the same time, not using a technique and not planning your studies can cause you to spend time and energy on unimportant topics.

Therefore, we recommend that all candidates use study methods for competitions.

This way you won't get tired or lose focus while preparing for the test.

How to be approved in a competition?

Read this text to find out how to have an easier approval!

What are the 10 study methods for competitions?

We have prepared a list of 10 study methods for competitions that can help you get the approval you dream of.

So, continue reading and check out each one of them. This way, you can find the method that best fits your profile.

1. Make summaries

Summaries are one of the most famous study methods for competitions out there.

This was used by many candidates who managed to occupy public office vacancies.

Therefore, to make use of this, always make a summary after studying a certain subject.

Writing or speaking about a topic can help you keep it fixed in your memory.

Finally, remember that the summary serves to help you define some topics and know what should be studied.

Therefore, reading the summaries is not the same as studying from handbooks.

2. Create mind maps

Mind maps are a lot like summaries. These must be used to secure.

Therefore, only the most important parts of a studied topic are noted.

However, the difference with the mind map is that it is a more visual tool. Therefore, colors, arrows and graphics are used to help with the task.

Finally, a candidate can use the map to remember a subject they studied and guide their next steps.

3. Take simulations 

Studying with simulations and answering questions from previous tests is one of the best methods of studying for competitions. 

This is an easy way to familiarize yourself with how the tests are carried out and understand the content that usually appears in competitions.

At the same time, studying with simulations helps you understand where you encounter the most difficulties.

Therefore, it is possible to dedicate more time and energy studying this subject.

4. Study alternately

Firstly, it is necessary to divide the topics studied into three categories:

  • Those that you know a lot about and have already mastered;
  • Those you know a little;
  • Those who don't know anything.

Then, organize a schedule in which these three categories are interspersed and studied next.

Therefore, the student will not get tired and will be able to maintain focus.

This method of studying for exams also reminds us that it is important to dedicate time to studying subjects that we have already mastered.

5. Use the Pomodoro method

This method of studying for competitions is a good practice for those who have difficulty focusing on a task for a long time.

Therefore, the student divides his time into periods of study and rest.

For example: 20 minutes of total focus on reading and then 10 minutes to relax as you wish.

This technique is famous for allowing students to remain calm and avoid stress in the long run.

6. Ask questions

After you finish studying a topic, we recommend that you ask yourself questions about the topic.

This is one of the study methods for competitions that can help memorize the content easier. Therefore, it is a good idea to use it in practice.

To ask these questions, focus on key points. For example, try to question who, how, when, where and why the events occurred.

7. Use memorization techniques

This is one of the study methods for competitions that you cannot miss in your daily life if you want to be approved.

Therefore, use post it notes, charts or cards to help you memorize the main points studied in a day.

Finally, don't forget to keep these elements in a visible place so that you can always be in contact and, in this way, speed up the memorization process.

8. Review the content

Revising is the act of going over a topic that you have previously studied.

Therefore, it is possible to find new information that may have gone unnoticed at first.

Therefore, prepare a schedule with a scheduled review period. If possible, this can take place shortly before the test.

Therefore, the content will be fresh in your memory during the event.

9. Associate images

Another method of studying for competitions that can help you keep the content studied in your memory and the association of images.

Therefore, associate an image with a theme in your mind. This way, whenever you remember that image, the information studied will also come to your memory.

This method is especially useful for people who have a more visual memory. Therefore, analyze whether this is your case.

10. Record audio

Finally, the last of the study methods for competitions involves recording audio to help you summarize what was studied.

This technique has similarities with the first one in this article. However, instead of writing a summary, you will make a sound recording of it.

This technique is also advantageous since the audios can be listened to and, in this way, help to remember what was studied.

How to choose the best study method?

Homem estuda com papéis
Find out how to choose from the different options. Source: Freepik.

Finally, it is important to highlight that study methods for competitions may be more recommended depending on your profile.

Therefore, if you face long journeys on the way to work, using audios could be a good idea.

This way you can listen to previously studied content while in traffic.

On the other hand, if you realize that mental maps or association with images are more advantageous, prioritize these.

In short, it is important to know yourself to find the best technique.

And if you are already studying, but want a boost in this process, how about finding out about the best courses for public exams?

We made a guide that can help you. Look here.

Best online course for competition

Find out how to study for public exams with the support of a quality course! Discover the main options here.

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