
Best EAD colleges in Brazil: check out the options

Do you know which are the best distance learning colleges in the country? There are public and private institutions on this list and you can find the answer in this text.


Find out where to find quality distance learning

Homem busca sobre as melhores faculdades EAD
We list the best institutions according to MEC criteria. Source: Pexels.

In a survey carried out by MEC, the best distance learning colleges were chosen. Do you know what these institutions are and what courses they offer?

In our text we will present the main information you need to know about this topic.

Higher Education: how does it work?

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Therefore, if you are looking for information about quality distance learning courses, be sure to check out our text.

We can help you choose a quality course to carry out your studies and obtain a diploma that will attract the attention of job market recruiters. 

How do distance learning courses work?

Homem estuda em EAD
Find out more about this teaching modality. Source: Pexels.

In most distance learning courses, the student must attend video calls in which classes are taught by their teachers. However, there are institutions that use other formats, such as requiring student attendance once a week.

Distance learning also allows tests and assignments to be delivered via calls or other methods such as email or forums. Therefore, distance learning courses are a good option for those who work and have little time to dedicate to studies.

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that distance learning courses at the best distance learning colleges in Brazil require the same obligations from students as face-to-face classes. Therefore, it is necessary to have a minimum presence, pass assessments, etc.

Google Courses: see how to sign up

Check out some distance learning course options on Google.

What are the best distance learning colleges?

Do you want to know which are the best distance learning colleges in Brazil? Our list selected all institutions of this type that had the highest score in the IGC (General Course Index) and CI (Institutional Concept) aspects according to the MEC.

Therefore, these colleges below offer quality classes and courses that, according to the Brazilian government, have a high standard of teaching. Discover the options below.

Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE)

The EBAPE faculty is linked to the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. Therefore, its quality is directly linked to one of the oldest and best private colleges in the country. 

The courses offered at this college focus on the area of public and private administration. Therefore, if you would like to pursue a degree or postgraduate degree in the area of administration, this is the best option.

São Leopoldo Mandic School of Dentistry (SLMANDIC)

The São Leopoldo Mandic Faculty of Dentistry offers distance learning undergraduate courses in Medicine and Dentistry. However, the student still needs to attend the in-person centers to carry out some activities.

It is possible to find college offices in the cities of Campinas, São Paulo and Fortaleza. Therefore, if you live close to one of these cities, it is possible to take a course at this, which is one of the best distance learning colleges.

Federal University of Lavras (UFLA)

UFLA is a public college that offers in-person and distance learning courses free of charge. To study at the Federal University of Lavras you must participate in Enem and be selected through the SISU program.

At this institution, which is one of the best distance learning colleges in the country, there are three options for undergraduate courses, they are: Literature – Portuguese, Pedagogy and Public Administration.

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) 

Just like the previous college, UFSC is also a public institution with in-person and distance learning courses. However, the list of options is a little longer when compared.

In this it is possible to take an EAD degree in Administration, Public Administration, Biology, Philosophy, Physics, Literature – Portuguese and Mathematics.

Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP)

This public institution offers a single course in the EAD format, the Technologist in Technology in Educational Design. The way to enter this degree, and also in-person courses at this college, is through SISU.

Therefore, if you are interested in this area and want to pursue a degree, it might be a good idea to apply your Enem results in the selection process and study without leaving home.

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Finally, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro is also one of the best distance learning colleges in Brazil. This institution has been offering distance education since the 2000s, having experience in the area.

It is possible to take courses in Accounting Sciences and Degrees in Biology, Chemistry and Physics at this college. In total, there are 1150 new vacancies every year for interested students.

How to choose the ideal college to study at?

Homem estuda em EAD
Find out how to find quality courses. Source: Pexels.

Do you want to study at one of the best EAD colleges, but didn't find the course you wanted in the list above? So, don't worry, we've prepared a guide with some tips so you can select good institutions! Check it out below.

Search for the desired course

Firstly, look for which institutions offer the course you want to take. Therefore, it is possible to search on platforms such as Quero Bolsa, Guia do Estudante or even search engines.

Then, make a list of the options, write down the name of the college and the course. The next step to finding the best distance learning colleges will be to use the tool made by MEC.

Seeking MEC evaluation

Then, after completing your list, search for “Emec” in a search engine and access the first result. This is a platform used by the Ministry of Education to display its course evaluations.

To find the best distance learning colleges, you must click on “Undergraduate Courses” and enter the name of the institution and the course in the appropriate fields. If you don't know any data, don't worry, all fields are optional. Just worry about informing that the modality is remote.

Check the results

Finally, click on the magnifying glass icon in the search result and check the ENADE (student learning assessment) and CC (course concept, that is, its grade) grades.

Remember that the maximum ratings are 5. Therefore, ratings from 1 to 2 are of low quality!

And if you want to know more about EAD, read our complete guide below about EAD. We can help you understand more about this teaching method and change some images about distance learning.

EAD: what is this modality and how does it work?

Check out how this teaching modality works and how you can take advantage of its advantages.

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