
Overtime: what it is, who is entitled to it, how to calculate it and much more!

The amount paid for overtime varies depending on the day of the week and the time at which it was worked. Do you want to know how to calculate the value of this benefit? We can help you find out more in this article.


Answer all your questions about overtime and how much you can earn

Mulher segura relógio
Working after hours can be profitable, find out more. Source: Freepik

Overtime can even cause fatigue, however, the extra pay compensates for a worker's effort.

You've definitely worked some overtime in your career. However, do you know how the values for this period worked are calculated? 

Hazard pay

Understand which positions can receive this additional amount.

In this text we will help you find out how to find out the exact amount you should receive and also present other important information.

Therefore, continue reading until the end so you don't miss any tips that can help you right now.

What is overtime and how does it work?

Pessoas trabalham em escritório
Understand how overtime works. Source: Freepik

Overtime is an extension of working hours. Through this tool, the worker continues working after their working hours described in the card.

This extra hour can be used by the company to solve urgent problems or to increase revenue.

On the other hand, the worker also finds some benefits in working longer. For example: bonus pay.

Do you want to know more about this subject and find out what the laws on this topic are? So, continue reading.

Night additional

Find out the positive points of working at night.

What does the CLT say about overtime?

The CLT defines that a working day can be a maximum of 8 hours per day. Therefore, if someone works longer, it will be considered overtime.

The law allows a worker to work for a maximum of 2 hours more. However, if there is an agreement between employee and contractor, this period may be even longer.

Finally, it is important to highlight that payment made for work outside normal working hours is more advantageous! We will talk about this factor later in our text.

Who is entitled to the benefit?

Workers with a formal contract or MEI are entitled to receive overtime if they work more than 8 hours a day.

Therefore, the company must pay this additional amount to workers who work for a longer period of time, regardless of the regime under which they were hired.

What is the value of overtime?

One of the great positive points of overtime is the fact that it has an additional benefit. Therefore, when working after hours, a person earns more than they would normally earn.

According to the CLT, every hour worked beyond the scheduled time must have an extra remuneration of 50% in addition to the normal amount.

But, if this extra work takes place on holidays or weekends, the additional amount must be 100%. In other words, the worker earns twice as much as he would on normal weekdays.

In addition, people who work at night already have a nighttime bonus of 20% in addition to their salary.

Therefore, if a night shift employee works overtime, he or she will have an increase of 50% or 100% (depending on the day of the week worked) on top of the amount paid with the night shift bonus.

How to control these hours?

It is important to control overtime to receive the appropriate payment to which you are entitled.

Therefore, before working after hours, ask a supervisor how this information should be recorded.

In some companies, the digital point is used to control the entry and exit of employees. Unlike other companies, which still prefer paper notes.

Therefore, remember to control the time you are active and pay attention to the rights you have.

How is overtime calculated?

Want to know how to calculate your overtime? The process is very simple, however, it requires you to know the amount you are paid for an hour of your service.

Therefore, once you have this information, simply multiply the value of the hour worked by 1.5 with the help of a calculator. This will be the value of one hour paid during a weekday.

On the other hand, if you are going to do extra work over the weekend or on a holiday, multiply your hourly earnings by 2.

How can I check the payment of this labor benefit?

Mulher usa calculadora para contabilizar Hora extra
Find out how to make the necessary calculations to verify the payment of this benefit. Source: Freepik

To find out if the company you work for is actually paying your overtime, simply analyze the amount you received in your payment.

Therefore, compare this with the salary paid in a month in which you did not perform any work outside of office hours.

It is also possible to carry out the calculations described above to know exactly the amount you should receive and check whether it has been paid.

Finally, did you know that hazard pay can make your overtime even more advantageous? Read our text on the subject and find out who is entitled to this benefit.

Additional hazard pay

Find out which professions can receive this benefit

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