
Gupy: how to check vacancies and register?

Gupy is one of the largest employment platforms today. Find out here why it is important to be present on this platform.


The platform is used by several companies in selection processes

Logo Gupy
The site helps both recruiters and candidates. Source: Gupy.

If you follow the texts published in Senhor Cursos, you are certainly already familiar with the Gupy platform.

However, do you know how to use it and what are the benefits of having an account? 

How to register with Gupy?

Check here how to register and apply for vacancies in large companies in Brazil.

In this text we will dedicate ourselves exclusively to this selection software, answering your main questions on the topic.

Therefore, be sure to read until the end to stay up to date with this topic. 

What is Gupy?

Mulher pesquisa sobre o Gupy
Discover the website that can help you get your next job. Source: Unsplash.

Gupy is recruitment and selection software, in other words, this is a website that helps companies find and select their employees. Through this website it is possible to receive and send a resume and even take selection process tests.

Several companies use this site to organize their selection processes. Therefore, if you want to join a large network, creating an account at Gupy is the first step.

How does Gupy work?

When creating an account at Gupy, the candidate needs to provide a series of personal data, professional experiences and academic backgrounds. The profile is then used as a CV, every time the candidate applies for a vacancy, this information is sent.

On this website it is still possible to check how many steps the selection process will have. In some cases, companies ask for tests to be completed through the platform itself, which help to identify the candidate's profile.

How to check open vacancies?

To check open vacancies, a candidate must access the Gupy home page and click on the “Vacancies” button in the top menu. Then choose the option “Search for new vacancies”.

The user can enter the name of the company or position they wish to occupy. Finally, use the platform's filters to only select vacancies in your region.

What are the main vacancies at Gupy?

Due to the wide variety of companies that advertise on Gupy, it is possible to find vacancies in all possible areas and positions! So, check out some of the possibilities.

Store attendant at Petz

This professional is responsible for organizing and keeping the store stocked, with prices and products up to date. The vacancy only requires the candidate to have a high school education.

Photography professional at Birdie

Birdie is a startup that hires photographers to record and present environments throughout Brazil. To make your application, you simply need to have photographic material and experience in the area.

Apprentice at Ri Happy

To work as an apprentice in this store, the candidate only needs to be over 18 years old. Activities include serving customers and helping with other environmental duties.

What are the advantages of registering on this platform?

Creating an account at Gupy prepares you to apply to different companies. As this site is used by many companies, registering helps you to always be ready for the application.

At the same time, we can mention as an advantage the fact that this service is completely free and easy to access.

How to register with Gupy?

Mulher usa computador
Finally, check out the registration process on the platform. Source: Unsplash.

Firstly, access the “Gupy for candidates” website. You will find a button with the text “Login” in the top right corner, click this to begin the registration process.

Then choose the “Create account” option and provide the necessary data. Don't forget to fill in your personal information and experiences very carefully, after all, these will be your CV.

Finally, if you want more information on this subject, read our text below specific to this topic.

How to register with Gupy?

Check here how to register and apply for vacancies in large companies in Brazil.

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