
Glassdoor: How to check job openings and apply?

Glassdoor allows you to find a new job and learn about a company's reputation before applying. Find out more about the subject by reading our article.


Learn how to use the platform to find a new job

Mulher usa computador
Find out more about this site. Source: Freepik

Glassdoor is much more than a job posting site! The platform also lets users know what it's like to work at a company.

Therefore, it offers a complete service for those looking for new job opportunities. 

Glassdoor Registration

Find out how to create an account on this site.

In this guide we will help you know how to apply for the different vacancies that are available.

Therefore, continue reading if you want to clear up all your doubts on this subject.

What is Glassdoor?

Jovem usa o Glassdoor
The job opportunity may interest you. Source: Freepik

Glassdoor is a platform that has different functions. Therefore, it can be used anonymously by employees to report to the company or share their salaries.

The site also offers job vacancies and can be a search engine for those looking for a new opportunity in the job market.

How does Glassdoor work?

Glassdoor works as a website that brings together various tools that are useful for anyone looking for a job.

Therefore, in addition to checking vacancies, you can check the company's reputation and read reports from employees!

In this text we will describe the job search process in more detail. Therefore, after reading you will know how to apply for new opportunities through this website.

How to check open vacancies?

Glassdoor's job search function works simply. Firstly, the user must access the company's website and click on the “Sign in” button to log in to their account.

Then use the search fields to search for job opportunities in your area and city.

Finally, click on the ad to read more information about this job opportunity and make sure you meet all the requirements.

What are the top jobs on Glassdoor?

Want to check out some of the job openings available on Glassdoor? So, see the list we prepared for you!

Restaurant attendant

This position in many cases does not require any experience! There are several advertisements for attendants and waiters available on Glassdoor, one of the opportunities may be near you.


This site also offers job opportunities for motorbike delivery drivers. Therefore, if you want to work making deliveries for a fixed company, check out the vacancies available.


Finally, we also mention the position of receptionist. There are several vacancies in this area on Glassdoor and the requirements to fill the role are not usually many!

What are the advantages of registering on this platform?

Firstly, we cite the fact that Glassdoor has a high number of information about companies as an advantage. Therefore, the candidate can know the reputation of the workplace.

At the same time, the fact that the service is offered for free is also a benefit that can attract many interested parties.

How to register on Glassdoor?

Homem usa computador
Understand the entire necessary process. Source: Freepik

First, go to the Glassdoor home page and click on “Sign in with Google” to create your account. Then select the email you want to use.

On the new page, choose between “Working”, “Not Working” and “Student” to create your profile.

Finally, answer all the questions asked by the platform. For example: desired position and place where you want to work. This information will help the site find the best jobs for you!

And if you still have any questions about this topic, read our complete guide on the subject available below.

Glassdoor Registration

Find out more details about the platform and registration process here.

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