
Faculdade Descomplica: see how to enroll in distance learning courses

Faculdade Descomplica offers courses in distance learning mode with easy registration and great practicality. Find out more about the institution in this text.


Discover the higher education courses available at this institution

Mulher estuda em curso EAD
The new arm of the company Descomplica can help you obtain a diploma. Source: Freepik.

You probably already know Descomplica for its preparation courses for entrance exams and public exams. However, did you know that the company also has Faculdade Descomplica?

Therefore, we have prepared a text on this subject to answer all your questions on the topic and help you understand the advantages of this institution.

Uncomplicated College Entrance Exam

The selection process is done online! Find out more about the topic here!

Therefore, read until the end to discover ways to enter and find out how this college can help your career.

If you are looking for a higher degree and want to study remotely, this could be the best choice!

What is Faculdade Descomplica?

Logo Descomplica
First of all, get to know the college. Source: Descomplica.

Faculdade Descomplica is a higher education institution created by this website that initially sold preparation courses for Enem and other entrance exams. 

Its undergraduate courses are aimed at quick entry into the job market.

Therefore, there are several tools that can help with your career, such as micro certificates, which show your update and help you disseminate your learnings.

How does Descomplica EAD work?

The courses at Faculdade Descomplica are digital 100%. In other words, they are planned from the beginning for online classes.

Therefore, they provide quality education and material prepared for the online environment for students.

Who can study at the institution?

To study at Faculdade Descomplica you must have completed high school and pass one of the admission methods.

For example: Enem grade, essay or 2nd degree.

What are the institution's distance learning courses?

Faculdade Descomplica has 15 different courses that are taught in distance learning format. So, check out some of the options in the list below:

  • Digital games;
  • Digital marketing;
  • Logistics;
  • Accounting Sciences;
  • Administration;
  • Between others.

What is the average monthly fee for distance learning courses?

Descomplica College courses have an average monthly fee of R$ 399.90.

However, it is possible to get some discounts at the institution during promotional periods or depending on the entry method.

Is it worth studying at Faculdade Descomplica?

Do you want to check if Faculdade Descomplica is really the best choice for you? Therefore, see our list of positive and negative points of the institution.


Firstly, among the positive points we mention:

  • Courses in hot market areas;
  • Easy registration process;
  • Extra material and methodology that help the student.


On the other hand, among the negative points are:

  • Little variety of courses, only 15 options;
  • The institution does not yet have much reputation in the market;
  • Little contact with teachers and other students.

How does the institution's entrance exam work?

Homem estuda em Faculdade Descomplica pelo computador
Finally, find out more about the institution's selection process. Source: Freepik.

The entrance exam at Faculdade Descomplica is done through an essay in which the student can define the topic. This must be sent typed or through a photo on the platform's digital environment.

At the same time, there are still other forms of entry, such as the Enem score or direct entry if it is a student's second degree.

Finally, if you want to know more about the topic, be sure to read our complete article on enrolling in the entrance exam.

Uncomplicated College Entrance Exam

Want more details about the selection process? Read our text on the topic.

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