
Paid internship: what is it, how does it work and what are the advantages?

A paid internship can last for a maximum of 2 years and the employer has some obligations, such as providing insurance for the intern. Find out more here.


This type of work helps to put theory on paper

Mulher em seu estágio remunerado
Know your rights as an intern! Source: Freepik.

A paid internship is the best way to gain more experience in your field and, on top of that, earn money from this activity.

However, do you know all the characteristics of this way of working? For example: the maximum time it is possible to intern or the average salary for someone in the role?

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In this text we will help you know everything about the subject and explain what is necessary to enter an internship of this type.

So, if you want to get a paid internship, or if you just want to know more about the topic, be sure to read the article until the end.

What is a paid internship?

Jovem estagiária comemora
This way of working has its own characteristics, find out more. Source: Freepik.

A paid internship is an activity that a student can do alongside their degree or other courses. Through this, it is possible to have practical experience in the day-to-day activities of a profession and also earn a monthly payment.

A paid internship can be the first job many people have. At the same time, this also acts as a gateway in some cases where the intern is hired and starts working at the company.

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Do you know how to impress the recruiter with this document? Check it out here!

How does the paid internship work?

The paid internship must have some requirements to comply with the law that regulates this type of work. Therefore, interns must have accident insurance and a workload that varies according to the level of education.

At the same time, payment of stipends and transportation vouchers (in the case of on-site internships) must be made every month. 

If the intern works for 12 months, he or she is entitled to 30 days of paid vacation.

Finally, it is important to highlight that the workload and activities can be reduced on dates close to the exams. Therefore, the student will not be harmed in their theoretical activities.

What is the difference between paid and unpaid internships?

In some cases, the student must undertake an internship to complete their degree or another course.

Therefore, in this case it may be necessary to do an unpaid internship, that is, without any monthly payment.

However, if the course curriculum does not require this activity, the student can take part in a paid internship and be able to receive a salary for their services.

How important is the internship for the student?

A paid internship can be the first contact a student has with the day-to-day life of the profession.

Therefore, it plays an important role as a practical activity and helps students learn how to act in the job market.

At the same time, the internship can also be a kind of test. Through this, the student checks whether they are really in a profession that interests them.

Therefore, it is not necessary to finish the course to be sure that you have chosen the right career.

Who can do this internship?

Firstly, to undertake a paid internship the student must be at least 16 years old. It is worth noting that there is no maximum age restriction for interns.

Another fundamental requirement is to be enrolled in an educational institution.

Among the accepted types we can mention: higher education courses, high school, professional education, special education and youth and adult education.

What is the average salary for an intern?

A paid internship pays an average salary of R$ 1,256.00 to students. However, it is important to highlight that there is no obligation for the company to pay a minimum amount.

Therefore, it is possible to find internships with the most different monthly payments. Our recommendation is that the candidate looks for this information in the vacancy advertisement.

What is the maximum duration of an intern's contract?

A paid internship can last for a maximum of two years. Companies that hire interns, in general, tend to renew their employees' contracts every 6 months.

However, it is important to keep in mind that an intern can be fired at any time. Brazilian law does not impose the need for prior notice or just cause for workers in this role to be dismissed.

Finally, know that after the end of an internship it is possible to join another company in the same work format. Therefore, the maximum limit of 2 years only concerns work in the same company.

Is this internship worth doing?

Do you want to know if a paid internship is really the best choice for your career? Therefore, see our list of positive and negative points of this activity and draw your own conclusions.


Firstly, among the advantages we can mention:

  • Practical learning of a profession;
  • Insertion into the job market;
  • Possibility of implementation.


However, this activity also has negative points, for example:

  • Lower salary than a permanent position;
  • Possibility of being fired without prior notice;
  • The internship ends if the student has completed their course.

How to find a paid internship?

There are platforms that can help you with this task, find out more. Source: Freepik.

Paid internships generally select candidates for their vacancies through selection processes. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to job advertisements and prepare yourself with good techniques for job interviews.

Did you know that there are websites specialized in advertising internship vacancies in the most different areas? CIEE is an example of platforms that can help you on this journey.

We have already written a complete text about this service that can help you discover how the platform works. So, if you are looking for an internship, be sure to read our guide and find out how to look.

CIEE: how to check vacancies and register?

Find out how to register for the service and find thousands of internship vacancies.

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