
Estácio: see how to enroll in distance learning courses

Have you finished high school and want to take the entrance exam? So, find out here some courses that are offered in the EAD format by Estácio College and find out more about the entrance exam.


Get to know the college and its selection processes in this text

Jovem estuda em faculdade EAD
Are you thinking about taking an EAD degree? So get to know this college. Source: Freepik.

Estácio is a college founded in Rio de Janeiro that now has centers throughout Brazil.

The distance learning courses offered by the institution are a good option for those looking for a chance to study without leaving home and at an affordable price.

Vestibular Estácio: how to enroll?

Find out how to take the online test to enter this institution.

If this is your case, read the text and find out what is needed to join the institution.

We have prepared a complete guide that can help you achieve your higher education diploma. Therefore, read the text until the end.

What is Estácio?

Logo Estácio
Get to know the institution and its history. Source: Estácio.

Estácio is a college founded in 1970 in Rio de Janeiro. The institution currently has 39 offices in the state and several centers spread throughout Brazil.

Therefore, students from all regions of Brazil can study the EAD model and obtain undergraduate degrees at this institution.

How does Estácio's EAD work?

Distance learning at Estácio can be done in three different ways. Firstly, we mention the Blended mode, in which 70% of the classes are online and 30% take place via the internet.

It is also possible to choose the Flex option, available for courses that require practical classes in laboratories.

Finally, the digital modality is done 100% online and gives students the freedom to attend classes in their free time. At the same time, it also uses other tools such as games, debates and virtual exercises.

Who can study at the institution?

To study at the institution you only need to have completed high school and pass the Estácio entrance exam.

What are the institution's distance learning courses?

Do you want to know some of the courses offered at Estácio College? So, check out our list and see some of the options available:

  • Analysis and systems development;
  • Visual arts;
  • Administration;
  • Marketing;
  • Between others.

What is the average monthly fee for distance learning courses?

Distance learning courses at Estácio have an average monthly fee of R$ 149.00. However, by entering with an Enem score or getting a good score on the entrance exam, it is possible to get even more discounts.

Is it worth studying at Estácio?

Want to know if studying at Estácio is really worth it? Therefore, check out our list of positive and negative points of the institution.


Firstly, among the positive points we list:

  • Low price for courses;
  • Easy entry;
  • Various courses offered.


However, among the negative points we can mention:

  • High complaint rate on Reclame Aqui;
  • Lack of contact with coursemates and teachers.

How does the institution's entrance exam work?

Homem usa computador
Discover this college’s online entrance exam. Source: Freepik.

The entrance exam at Estácio can be done online! The student must answer a test with multiple choice questions and then write an essay on the proposed topic.

One of the positive points of this test is the fact that it can be taken at any time! Want to know more about the subject? Just read our full text below on the topic and ask all your questions.

Vestibular Estácio: how to enroll?

Read this text to find out more about the college selection process.

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