
Online job interview: how to prepare?

An online job interview requires care with the internet connection and the environment. Find out here how to prepare and not take any risks at this important moment in the selection process.


Preparing for this stage of the selection process can be easy.

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Find out how not to make any mistakes right now. Source: Freepik.

Online job interviews are increasingly being used by recruiters and companies looking for new employees. Therefore, it is crucial to know how to prepare.

At this time, several unforeseen events can happen! For example: internet outage, noise on the street, people intruding into the environment.

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However, with some careful actions, it is possible to prepare and avoid embarrassing situations.

Want to know how to impress recruiters and get closer to your vacancy? Then, read our full text on this subject.

What is an online job interview?

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The process is similar to the in-person version. Source: Freepik.

The online job interview is a way that a company's HR team uses to evaluate job candidates. Therefore, it is possible to choose which ones will be called for the next stage.

This process was previously carried out at the company's own headquarters or at an agreed location. However, as technology has made this activity easier, many companies prefer to conduct the interview online.

The process carried out online provides some benefits. For example: cutting travel costs, saving time and making the selection more agile. At the same time, there are people who may feel more comfortable in an online interview rather than in person.

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Find out how to do well in this other stage of the selection process.

How does the online job interview work?

The online job interview is a step that occurs after the selection of resumes. Therefore, when you find a vacancy in your profile, send the necessary documents and wait for the interview to be scheduled.

The company must inform the date and time of the interview and also the platform that will be used. Some examples are Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Discord and many others.

During the interview, questions will be asked to confirm whether the candidate's profile really matches the company. Therefore, respond honestly and try to show your positive points.

It is possible that recruiters will ask the candidate to tell a little about their career or experiences. This is one of the most frequently asked questions in job interviews.

Finally, in some cases the online job interview may also ask for some tests. For example, activities that are related to functions in the company.

In the next topic of this text we will help you prepare for the interview. Read carefully to check out our recommendations on the subject.

How to prepare for the online interview?

Homem em vídeo chamada
Our recommendations can help you at this time. Source: Freepik.

Preparing for your online job interview helps you avoid embarrassing situations or making a bad impression on recruiters! So, check out our recommendations and find out how to do well!

Check the internet connection

Firstly, you need to make sure that your internet will be stable at the time of the interview. Therefore, carry out connection tests and check that everything is going well.

If necessary, connect your computer to the internet cable to have a more stable connection and leave Wi-Fi for another time.

Choose the correct equipment

Test the computer, notebook or cell phone through which you plan to do the online job interview.

It is important to check that the audio and video inputs are working and that they are not taking too long to load open programs.

Finally, if you are going to use peripherals, such as headphones and mice, it is also worth checking their operation.

Test the platforms that will be used

When invited to an online job interview, recruiters must inform which app it will be carried out through. Therefore, download the app in advance and test it.

This way you can avoid surprises and being late for the interview.

Create a script

A script can help you with what to say in an online job interview. So, how about writing down your positive points and skills that can help the company grow further?

When you don't act unexpectedly, it's easier to conduct the interview in your favor and delight recruiters.

Choose the appropriate location

The appropriate location needs to follow a series of factors! We'll help you by making a list of what you can't miss:

  • Good Wi-Fi connection;
  • Little noise in the environment;
  • The place cannot be moved;
  • No external audio noise;
  • With good lighting;
  • With a neutral scenario in the background.

Avoid interruptions and noise

Interruptions and noise can make a bad impression on recruiters. Furthermore, external interference may impede understanding on your part or that of the interviewers.

Therefore, choose the calmest environment possible and warn other people around you that you cannot be interrupted.

Wear appropriate clothing

An online job interview requires the same attention to appearance as one conducted in person.

So, in advance, get ready and wear good clothes to make a good impression on recruiters.

Disable app notifications

Interruptions can occur not only from people in the environment, but also from notifications from other apps on your cell phone!

Therefore, before starting the interview, deactivate other software and do not take this risk.

Be careful with the delay

If you notice that your internet is experiencing glitches and delays, wait a little whenever the interviewer finishes the question.

Therefore, it is possible to guarantee that you will not interrupt someone else's speech.

Reserve pen and paper for notes

Finally, keep a pen and paper nearby to make convenient notes, such as important company and position details and other information that can help you in other online job interviews.

Did you like these tips and want to know how to prepare for an in-person interview? So, see our text on the subject in the recommended content below.

Job interview: how to prepare

Check out tips on how to prepare for an in-person interview here.

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