
New job: how to survive the first days?

Want to know how to do well in a new job? We have prepared a guide to help you not make mistakes right now! Check it out here.


Our tips can help you get started on the right foot in a new job

Mulher contratada em Emprego novo
Know what to do after hiring. Source: Freepik.

The first day at a new job is a time of joy, but also of apprehension and even a little fear.

There are many times when embarrassing situations or even problems can arise for the new employee.

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Find out about this benefit and find out how payment is made.

That's why we created a guide that can help you survive and do well on your first day in a new role.

Want to know more about the subject? Therefore, read this article until the end and check out our tips.

How to get a new job?

Aperto de mãos
Our tips can help you enter the job market. Source: Freepik.

The process of getting a new job, or filling your first vacancy, can be a little time-consuming. However, with some tips it is possible to make this easier.

Using personal marketing to improve your reputation, investing in networking and specializing can help you attract the attention of recruiters.

Finally, don't forget that submitting a good resume through the best job posting sites is also crucial.


Understand what your rights are and how vacation payments are made.

How many days to adapt to the new job?

According to experts in the field, it can take a professional up to 6 months to adapt to their new job.

However, we know that many companies require their employees to be up and running as quickly as possible. Therefore, you need to use some techniques that can help you in this process.

Are you curious? So, continue reading and check out what they are.

What not to do on the first day of work?

Firstly, we will help you know which attitudes should be avoided in the first days of a new job.

Therefore, carefully read each of the topics below to find out which attitudes are not well regarded in this situation.

Act individually

It is normal for an employee to have a number of questions in their first few days at a new workplace. Therefore, it is better to ask for help than to make mistakes.

At the same time, many companies value teamwork. Therefore, demonstrating skills in this area can guarantee you a good impression.

Avoid people

As stated in the previous topic, when starting a new job it is important for a professional to be sociable and try to make new friends.

Therefore, avoiding people and being isolated is not a good attitude! Try to fit in and make some friends, even if you're an introvert.

Being disorganized

Showing signs of a lack of organization in the first few days can leave your superiors worried and in doubt about the hiring.

In this sense, always keep your materials and workplace in order. This attitude can help you to be more productive and not make any mistakes.


Missing the first few days of a new job creates a bad impression. After all, if the employee has already started their activities in this way, it could be a negative sign.

Therefore, try to avoid unjustified absences at the beginning of your activities and only resort to these in cases of medical necessity.

Engage in gossip

Gossip and fights between employees can have serious consequences for those involved in the situation. Therefore, these are not recommended at any time.

Avoid getting involved in intrigue, especially in the first few days of working in a new place.

Dress differently than everyone else

Finally, when starting a new job, try to research how the company's employees dress.

Just as it is necessary to fit in, it is also important to appear part of the group! Therefore, wear appropriate clothing for the role.

What to do in the first week of employment?

On the other hand, there are also positive attitudes that can help you impress superiors and get along well in a new workplace.

Do you want to know what these are and find out how to get started on the right foot? Therefore, continue reading our article.

Try to fit in

You may have already realized that being friendly and making new friends is crucial when starting a new job.

Therefore, our recommendation is that you try to talk to other people and create bonds of friendship in this first contact.

Be nice

Being friendly and polite is a way of being able to carry out the activities described in the previous topic of this article.

Therefore, in the first days in a new workplace, try to treat people in the best way possible.

Find out more about the company

It is normal for an employee to have many doubts when starting a new job. Therefore, it is important to ask questions and find out more about the company.

Therefore, ask about rules, dress code, company policy and other important information. This is a way to prevent mistakes.

Talk to superiors

Firstly, it's important to introduce yourself and be nice to your supervisor when taking on a new job.

In the first few days of work, this professional should be willing to talk to you to answer your questions. So, take advantage of the opportunity and show your interest.

Ask for guidance

Friends and colleagues from your new job can help you with your activities. Therefore, we recommend that you ask for guidance and avoid making mistakes in the first few days.

People can shock you with their willingness to help and empathy. Remember that asking for help is not shameful, especially in the beginning.

Show initiative

Finally, we recommend that you show interest in the work and try to take initiative at times.

For example: propose to carry out activities or learn more about certain subjects.

Is it normal to be lost on the first day of work?

Homem em dúvida
Learn more about what's normal on the first day of employment. Source: Freepik.

A new job is a situation that causes a lot of nervousness and can leave people feeling scared or lost. Therefore, this feeling is completely normal.

With a little help from your supervisors, you can be more at ease. So don't be shy about talking about your doubts.

Over time, it is possible to even get a promotion by following these tips. Want to know how? Read our article on the topic available below.

Job Promotion

Understand what it takes to grow in a company.

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