
Employment Connected vacancies: how to register?

Registering with Emprego Ligado requires a few requirements, see what these are by reading our guide on this employment platform.


See how to create your account on this platform quickly

Homem usa Emprego Ligado para checar vagas
This platform can be great for those looking for their first job. Source: Freepik

Emprego Ligado has vacancies for various professionals looking for operational opportunities. 

So, if you're looking for your first job and don't have any training yet, this could be the best site for you!



Connected Employment

Platform 100% online

Do you want to create your account on this platform? Then visit this website to get started!

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Do you want to know how to create your account on the platform and check out all the opportunities currently available?

We have created a guide that can help you with this task! So, no, stop reading this text until the end.

What are the prerequisites for registering on this platform?

There is no education prerequisite to register on this platform. However, Emprego Ligado and the vacancies available therein can only be accessed by people over 14 years of age.

However, you must have your personal documents on hand and know the address to begin the process.

Employment Connected vacancies: how to register?

To create an account at Emprego Ligado, a person must first click on the link at the beginning of this article and thus access this website.

Then click on the “Enter” button and “Register”. You will need to fill out a form with name, telephone number, CPF, address and other personal information.

How to apply for the desired position on the platform?

After creating your account, Emprego Ligado allows candidates to schedule job interviews for the vacancies they are interested in.

Therefore, after finding the desired opportunity, click on the “Schedule” button and define the day and time you want to talk to the recruiters.

Emprego Ligado or Catho: which is the best platform to look for a job?

Mulher usa computador
Compare the two platforms to choose the most suitable one. Source: Freepik

Emprego Ligado has vacancies for various operational positions. However, if you are looking for a wider variety of opportunities, you may be better off using another site.

In this case, we recommend Catho, one of the most used job platforms in Brazil and with the largest number of advertisements.

If you want to know more about the topic, read our complete guide to the website below and find out how to register.


Signing up for Catho is simple! See more information on the subject in this guide.

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