
Competition notice: Build a career with values above the job market!

Find out here how to extract the most important information from a public competition notice to prepare for this test more assertively.


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Reading can be easier than you think! Source: Unsplash.

The public competition notice is the document that deserves maximum attention from candidates! It is through this that important information is obtained and the details of the test are known.

However, can you understand the data present in this and use the information to your advantage?



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In this article we will help you understand the main points about the notices and learn how to use this document to get ahead of other candidates.

Therefore, if you are looking for approval, be sure to read the text until the end. We can help you increase your chances of getting the job you've been dreaming of more easily.

What is a competition notice?

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This is the most important document in the selection process. Source: Freepik.

The tender notice is a document that contains all the most important information about a public tender. For example: registration and fee payment dates, topics covered in the tests, open vacancies, etc.

This must be made public at least 45 days before the test takes place. Therefore, it is possible for the student to prepare and study for the exam.

Finally, the notice is a document that can be published in different media. To find it, you can search on city hall websites, in the Diário da União or even on platforms that publish public competitions.



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Understand here how this type of contest works.

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Why is it important to know how to interpret this document?

Knowing how to interpret a competition notice could be the difference that will guarantee you passing the test and making a public position yours. At the same time, a correct interpretation can prevent you from making mistakes and help you save time and energy in your studies.

This document contains the most important information for a candidate. Therefore, whoever is able to understand all the information present comes out ahead of other candidates and can prepare more assertively for the test.

What is the most important information in the notice?

We have prepared a list of the most important information that is present in a public tender notice. So, keep reading and find out what these are.

  • Registration period;
  • Fee payment deadline;
  • Subjects that will be covered in the test;
  • Date of the test;
  • Evaluative criteria;
  • Score that each test will yield;
  • Number of vacancies;
  • Value of salaries;
  • Requirements to get the position;
  • Between others.

How to find the desired competition notice?

Firstly, search for competition notices in the Official Gazettes. If you plan to hold a federal position, you will need to check the Union Gazette. On the other hand, state and municipal positions will be in the respective publications and journals.

At the same time, there are also private websites that advertise competitions and publish notices. Therefore, when searching on the internet with the words “open competitions” you will be able to find options.

Our recommendation is that candidates frequently research which notices are open and visit, whenever possible, the websites that make these announcements. This way it is possible not to miss any opportunity.

How to interpret the information in the notice?

Do you want to know how to interpret the information contained in the competition notice? Therefore, check out our list of themes that are present in this document and how to understand them.

Preliminary provisions

This part of the competition notice focuses on introducing the candidate to the objective of the document. Therefore, it is possible to have an overview of vacancies, deadlines and other important information.


In turn, the registration chapter informs what documents are necessary to carry out this activity, the fees that must be paid and requirements that must be met.

Therefore, this is one of the most important parts of the competition notice and must be read carefully.


This is perhaps the topic of the competition notice that most attracts the attention of candidates, after all, everyone wants to know which vacancies are open and basic information about them.

For example: salary, requirements to fill the position, working hours and other data.

Candidates with special needs

Do you have any special needs? Candidates with disabilities, breastfeeding women and other conditions may receive special conditions when taking the test.

Therefore, if you fit into one of these profiles, read this part of the competition notice carefully.

Program content

To find out which topic you need to study, read the Syllabus. The subjects that will appear in the test will be covered in this chapter and reading this is crucial for the candidate to plan their studies.


Finally, by reading about the resources in the competition notice you can find out the date of publication of the answer key.

At the same time, this text topic helps you understand how to appeal at any stage if necessary.

What to do after the publication of the competition notice?

Mulher lê edital
Find out what the next steps are. Source: Freepik.

After publishing and reading the competition notice, it is time for the candidate to prepare for the test. With the correct interpretation of the information present in this document, the candidate can create a plan and goals to achieve approval.

We wrote a complete text on this topic. Therefore, we can help you understand how to prepare for a contest! Read the full material at the link below and get all the most important information.

How to study for exam? Check out our tips

See here how to prepare for the public exam.

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