
EAD: what is this teaching modality and how does it work?

Distance learning is a teaching modality that can help people who are short on time or who work to study. Find out more about the practice in our text on this subject.


Discover the advantages of studying at EAD here

Menina assiste aula EAD
This modality can be done by those who have little time available. Source: Pexels.

Distance learning has become increasingly popular after the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. However, this practice already existed previously and was used by many students.

Do you know the advantages of studying in this modality and what courses are offered? There is a lot about distance learning that is still not clear to the population.

Higher Education: how does it work?

Find out how this stage of studies works here.

Therefore, we will dedicate this text to talking clearly about the practice. If you want to know more about the subject, don't miss the chance to get more information.

Our guide can help you lose some preconceptions about the topic and discover whether distance learning could be good for you.

What is EAD?

Computador exibe aula
Firstly, find out in detail how these courses work. Source: Pexels.

The acronym EAD stands for Distance Learning. Therefore, this can be understood as the practice of giving classes, carrying out activities and teaching students who are not in person in a classroom.

Distance education can make use of various technologies. Therefore, far beyond video calls, teachers can use teaching software, virtual surveys, forms and various other devices to transmit their content.

Finally, there is more than one type of EAD. We will talk about this topic in more detail in the next topic of the text. Therefore, if you want to know more about how this teaching modality works, continue reading.

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Understand here how the courses that prepare you for the job market work.

How does EAD work?

EAD works as a means of guaranteeing access to education for people who have little time or live far from any educational institution. Through this modality it is possible to study without leaving home.

In distance education, the student must fulfill their academic obligations at home. Therefore, your presence in classes is counted when you watch the videos, whether recorded or on a video call.

At the same time, activities and tests can be carried out using special platforms determined by the teacher or using technologies such as sending emails and forms. In short, EAD is a form of teaching that allows you to study from anywhere and more easily.

Who can do EAD?

Distance learning can be done by people seeking higher education, specialization courses or in areas such as languages, free courses, etc. It is worth remembering that Secondary and Elementary Education cannot be done in this way.

Although distance education is aimed at people who work and have little time to study, nothing prevents people outside this profile from studying in this way.

Therefore, if you plan to be more practical and find the desired course being offered in this modality, it is possible to opt for this mode and do your studies without leaving home.

How do classes work in this teaching modality?

Distance learning can be done semi-in-person or completely online. In the first case, the student takes part of the classes remotely and needs to go to a center of the educational institution to do other activities.

For example: tests, practical classes or other types of activities can be carried out in person. Therefore, to enroll in a blended course you must live close to the school or college.

On the other hand, 100% online classes are only taken online. Therefore, there is no limitation on the space in which the student needs to reside. These can be synchronous or asynchronous, that is, done live or not.

Based on your work routine and number of free hours, you can choose the teaching method that best suits your reality.

What is the difference between face-to-face teaching and distance learning?

The main and most obvious difference is the way classes are taught. While in EAD the student studies remotely, in face-to-face teaching it is necessary to go to the school or college.

At the same time, there are also other points where these two modalities diverge. For example, in the autonomy and flexibility that the student has to carry out their tasks, which are much greater in distance learning.

Is it worth taking an EAD course?

According to your personal reality, you should analyze whether an EAD course is the best choice. To help you with this task, we have made a list of the positive and negative points of this teaching method. Check out!


First of all, check out the advantages that this teaching method offers your students:

  • Flexibility of time and place of study;
  • Less spending on transport and travel;
  • Perfect study mode for those who work and have little time;
  • Good quality of teaching and variety of courses.


On the other hand, among the negative points we can mention:

  • Less contact with teachers and students;
  • Student discipline is necessary;
  • Among the wide variety of courses, there are many of poor quality.

How to find the best distance learning course to take?

Homem busca por cursos EAD
Check out our recommendations on the topic. Source: Pexels.

To find quality distance learning courses, our recommendation is that the student research the educational institution and also look for reports from people who have already taken the classes.

For this research, it is possible to use platforms such as Reclame Aqui or others in this area. Don't forget to also check reviews of teaching guides made by specialized entities.

And if you want to know more about distance learning courses, read our text below about the Veduca platform that offers material in this way. This can help you obtain your desired specialization.

Veduca Courses

Check here for free EAD course opportunities that are available.

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