
Duolingo app: features, languages, how to download and much more!

Do you already know Duolingo? In this text we help you find out what the benefits of the app are and find out if this is really the best way to study languages for you.


Learn how to study languages using this free service

Homem estuda usando Duolingo
The app is already used by millions of Brazilians and can be useful for you! Source: Freepik

Duolingo is a quick and easy way to study languages every day and become fluent in a new language.

However, do you know how this app works and what languages are available to students in Brazil? 




Learn various Languages

Check out the website where you can download this app.

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In this text we will answer your main questions about the app and help you understand how to use it.

So, read on if you're looking for a way to learn new languages without leaving home.

How does Duolingo work?

Mulher usa celular para estudar
Understand how this app teaches languages. Source: Freepik

Duolingo has practical lessons that help a student study a language. Every day the user can access the platform and practice writing, listening and pronunciation of other languages.

The course is divided into thematic units. Therefore, the student can learn to deal with different situations in which they may be exposed when speaking other languages.

Finally, the app also has services such as discussion forums and a rewards system for people who stay focused on studying every day.




Study from wherever you are

The app is available for Android and iOS phones! Check it out here.

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Is it possible to use this application for free?

Yes, it is possible to use Duolingo without paying anything and study all the classes available in a course.

However, people who do not pay for services have a life limit system. Therefore, after 5 mistakes you have to wait a few hours to study again.

What is the cost of this app?

Those who opt for the paid plan have unlimited lives. In other words, they can make mistakes in several moments in the activities and do not need to wait to go back to studying.

The Plus plan, which is also ad-free, can be subscribed to for R$329.90 per year or R$53.90 for a single month.

What languages are available on Duolingo?

Students using Duolingo can study the following languages:

  • English;
  • Spanish;
  • French;
  • German;
  • Italian;
  • Esperanto.

On the other hand, by setting English as the app's language, you can access other languages. For example: Japanese, Chinese, Russian and even the fictional language of Game of Thrones, high Valyrian.

Therefore, if you are already fluent in English, your study options increase.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this language app?

We have prepared a list of the positive and negative points of Duolingo. So, check if this is the best app for learning languages according to your profile.

Firstly, among the advantages we mention:

  • It is possible to study for free;
  • Simple and easy-to-understand classes;
  • Abundant and didactic material.

On the other hand, among the negative points are:

  • Few languages for Portuguese speakers;
  • Lots of ads;
  • Limitation of errors in a lesson for those using the free plan.

What are the requirements to download the app?

Duolingo is available for almost all cell phones and mobile devices. At the same time, it is also possible to use the computer to take lessons through this platform's website.

How to download Duolingo?

Firstly, access the website below to access this app's page on the PlayStore, or if you prefer, search for “Duolingo” in your app store.

Then click on the indicated button to start downloading and installing it on your cell phone.




Application free

To download the app press the button below! The process is simple and very quick.

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How to use the app to study languages?

After installation, you will need to provide a valid email address to create a Duolingo account. Then, provide personal information, such as your name, and choose the language you want to study.

Finally, just follow the daily lessons and answer the available questions to start studying a new language using this app.

Duolingo or Busuu: which is the best language app for studying?

Mulher usa celular para estudar
Compare the two apps to choose the one you like best. Source: Freepik

Duolingo can be a good way to study without paying anything. However, this app has a limited number of languages.

Therefore, if you want to study other languages, such as Japanese or Korean, it might be a good idea to use Busuu!

We have created a complete guide on this subject in the text below! So, if you want to know more about the topic, continue reading and discover the main information.


The app teaches more than 10 languages! Find out how to access classes by reading our text.

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