
Direction Competitions: find out if it’s worth studying

Discover Direção Concursos, a platform with quality study material that can help you receive approval in public competitions.


Check out how to perform well in contests with this platform

Mulher estuda com Direção Concursos
Your approval may be closer than you think! Source: Freepik

Do you know Direção Concursos? Do you know how this platform can help you receive approval in public tenders?

In this guide we will help you learn everything about the site and understand how to use it to study for exams.



Competition Management

Free classes Online material

Check out the website and all courses here.

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Therefore, continue reading if you have any questions or if you just want to know more about the topic.

We can help you guarantee your approval by studying with quality material online.

How do Direção Concursos courses work?

Homem estuda online
The study method can help you on your journey. Source: Freepik

Direção Concursos courses are preparatory for public competitions and aim to provide students with all the necessary tools to pass the tests. 

Classes are taught by experienced and qualified teachers, who have specialization in public examinations and in-depth knowledge of the subjects covered in the tests.

Finally, it is important to highlight that this platform uses theoretical classes, solving exercises and simulations to prepare students for competitions.



Competition Management

Free handout Online classes

Check out the online course options by clicking the button below.

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Is it possible to study on this platform for free?

Yes, Direção Concursos offers free classes in Portuguese, Mathematics, Writing, Law and IT. 

Therefore, it is possible to use this platform to study the most recurring topics in competitions.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that this site also has handouts and classes available for free.

However, if you want material created especially for a competition, you will need to pay for the course.

How much do Direção Concursos courses cost?

The cost of Direção Concursos courses varies according to the topic the student wishes to study.

Therefore, check out some examples in the list below and find out what the average price is on this platform:

  • Complete course for tax analyst: R$1318.80;
  • Complete course for clerk: R$397;
  • Classes for TCU auditor: R$1663.36;
  • Classes for clerk at Banco do Brasil: R$399.00.

What courses are available on the platform?

Are you curious and want to know a little more about the courses available at Direção Concursos? Therefore, check out the following list with some options:

  • Preparatory course for technical scribe TJ – SP;
  • Banco do Brasil Clerk;
  • TCU Auditor;
  • Sefaz State Taxes – MT;
  • SP Civil Police Investigator.

What are the main competitions covered by the platform?

The Direção Concursos platform covers the most diverse public competitions! 

Therefore, using the “Competitions” tab in the top menu, you can check the open competitions, the salary value of each one and search for options in your area or city.

Finally, by clicking on a desired contest, the user has access to course options on the platform and checks available prices.

What is the pass rate in competitions for students on this platform?

Direção Concursos does not inform the pass rate in competitions of students who studied using its platform.

Is it worth studying at Direção Concursos?

Yes, studying with Direção Concursos can be a great option for those who are preparing for a competition. 

This teaching platform has quality teachers who have advanced knowledge about public exams.

How to register for Direção Concursos?

Firstly, click on the “Competitions” tab and find the competition that most catches your attention, or is closest to you.

Then click on “See preparatory courses” and press the “See more” button on the course that suits you best.

Finally, just click on “Buy now” and create your registration with personal information and a valid email. 


sign up

Competition Management

Simulations Offers support

If you want to start studying, just click the button below.

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How to study using this platform?

The online platform is the way to access the courses offered by Direção Concursos, allowing students to attend classes, carry out exercises and available simulations.

At the same time, the Board also offers individualized support and monitoring to students.

Finally, students can use summaries, mind maps and commented questions available on the website to guide their studies.

Competition Management or Competition Strategy: which is the best platform to study?

Mulher estuda em notebook
Finally, compare more platform options. Source: Freepik

Direção Concursos is just one of the study platforms you can use to prepare for competitions! Therefore, we recommend that you discover more options in the area.

An example of this is Plataforma Concursos, a platform that provides free material and can be useful for those who want to study.

If you want to know more about the topic, just access the article below and check out our complete guide.

Competition Strategy

Find out more about this platform and the material available.

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